Puberty - بُلُوغٌ

A strength that comes to a child and transforms him into a man or a woman.

Translated into: English French Turkish Urdu Indonesian Russian Portuguese Bengali Chinese Persian Tagalog Indian Malayalam Telgu Thai

Usury - رِبا

A stipulated increase with no exchange for credit in return for delaying the settlement of a due debt. It is also an increase or a delay in cash on selling things of a specified type on the spot.

Translated into: English French Turkish Urdu Indonesian Russian Portuguese Bengali Chinese Persian Tagalog Indian Malayalam Telgu Thai

Prohibited sale transactions - بُيوعٌ مَنْهِيٌّ عنها

Sale transactions that are prohibited under Shariah.

Translated into: English French Turkish Urdu Indonesian Russian Portuguese Bengali Chinese Persian Tagalog Indian Malayalam Telgu Thai

Sale transaction - بيع

Exchange of a property for another for the purpose of ownership and transferring ownership.

Translated into: English French Turkish Urdu Indonesian Russian Portuguese Bengali Chinese Persian Tagalog Indian Malayalam Telgu Thai

Mosque - مَسْجِدٌ

A place allocated for establishing prayer on a permanent basis.

Translated into: English French Turkish Urdu Indonesian Russian Portuguese Bengali Chinese Persian Tagalog Indian Malayalam Telgu Thai

Deception/Fraud - تَدْلِيسٌ

"Tadlīs": hiding, concealing. Other meanings: deception, cheating, betrayal, decrease.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Lending - إِقْراضٌ

"Iqrād": lending. It is derived from "qard" (loan), which means cutting off.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Mutual consent - تَراضٍ

"Tarādi": mutual agreement between two parties. It is derived from "rida", which means: the willingness to say or do something and feeling comfortable with it.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Option to rescind - خِيارٌ

"Khiyār": pursuit of the best among things. Original meaning: inclining to something. It is derived from "ikhtiyār", which means: selecting, choosing.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Debt - دَيْنٌ

"Dayn": debt. It is derived from "dāna". Original meaning: submission, humiliation. It also means: delay. "Dayn" was called as such because of the humiliation it involves, or because its settlement is delayed to a future date.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Wealth/Money - أَمْوالٌ

"Amwāl" (sing. māl): everything that can be possessed by humans.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Loan - قَرْضٌ

"Qard": something cut off another thing. It also means loan, what someone gives to someone else, to be paid back later.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Permission - إذْنٌ

"Idhn": permission. Original meaning: to lift prohibition, to permit. Other meanings: proclamation, from which comes the word "Adhān" (the call to prayer).

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Straightening the rows - تَسْوِيَةٌ


Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Defect - عَيْبٌ

"Ayb": defect, ugliness, anything contradicting sound Fitrah.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Negligence - تَفْرِيطٌ

"Tafrīt": neglecting, wasting. Original meaning: removing something from its place. Other meanings: carelessness, delay.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Mutual receipt - تَقابُضٌ

"Taqābud": exchanging two things between two people, as happens when each of the trading parties receives what is given by the other.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Endowment funds - أَحْباسٌ

"Ahbās" (sing. hibs): anything used to stop the flow of water, such as a stone or the like. Original meaning: stopping.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Russian

Right of preemption - شُفْعَةٌ

"Shuf‘ah": attaching, owning.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Documentation - تَوْثِيقٌ

"Tawthīq": strengthening and establishing something. Original meaning: precision, perfection. It is derived from "wathīqah", which means something used a proof, such as letter and the like.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Interdiction - حَجْرٌ

"Hajr": preventing, banning. Other meanings: narrowing, limiting. As derived from this, the mind is called "hijr", because it prevents one from doing reprehensible things.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Russian

Assuming liability - ضَمانٌ

"Damān": guaranteeing, assuming liability. Original meaning: putting something in another thing that contains it.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Loaned item - عارِيَّةٌ

"‘Āriyah": loaned item, loan. It is originally derived from "ta‘āwur", which means: alternation, circulation.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Choice related to the transaction place - خِيارُ المَجْلِسِ


Translated into: English French Spanish Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Breastfeeding/Wet-nursing - رَضاعٌ

"Radā‘": sucking the breast, or drinking milk from the breast.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Gentleness - رِفْق

"Rifq": gentleness, leniency. Opposite: harshness, severity. Other meanings: ease, facilitation. Original meaning: benefit.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Extravagance/Wastefulness - تَبْذِيرٌ

"Tabdhīr": dispersing, scattering. It is derived from "badhr", which means: scattering seeds in the soil. Other meanings: spreading, excessiveness.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Donation - تَبَرُّعٌ

"Tabarru‘": voluntary donation of something. Original meaning: winning, surpassing.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Compensating/Paying for damages - تَعْوِيضٌ

"Ta‘wīd": giving compensation to someone. It is derived from "‘iwad", which means: compensation, substitute.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Rejection/Denial - جُحُودٌ

"Juhūd": denial, rejection. Opposite: acknowledgment. Original meaning: scarcity of anything.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Mortgage - رَهْنٌ

"Rahn": constancy, permanence, withholding, sticking to something.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Down payment - عَرْبُونٌ

"‘Arbūn": down payment; when someone buys something and gives the seller a down payment in advance. It is derived from "i‘rāb", which means: clarifying and manifesting.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

False offer of a higher price to cheat the buyer - نَجْشٌ

"Najsh": provoking and extracting something. It is said to originally mean: praising and flattering.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Sale with immediate repurchase - عِينَةٌ

"‘Īnah": An advance or loan. It is derived from "‘ayn", which means money, or from "i‘ānah", which is assistance. Other meanings: purchase or sale on credit.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Cheating - غِشٌّ

"Ghishsh": showing something and concealing the opposite. Opposite: sincerity. It is derived from "ghashash", which means: muddied, unclear water.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Usurpation - غَصْبٌ

"Ghasb": openly taking something unjustly and by force.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Overpricing - غَبْنٌ

"Ghabn": deception in buying and selling.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Gamble - قِمَارٌ

"Qimār": a bet between two parties which involves a financial risk – loss or gain of money. It is derived from "qamar" (the moon), which sometimes grows into a full moon and at other times decreases and becomes a crescent, just like the gambled money.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Caretaker - كافِلٌ

"Kāfil": guarantor, caretaker.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Lost and found item - لُقَطَةٌ

"Luqatah": something on the ground that is picked up. It is derived from "laqt", which means picking up something on the ground.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Benefit - مَنفَعَةٌ

"Manfa‘ah": benefit. Opposite: harm. Original meaning: goodness, anything used to attain a goal. Other meanings: interest, fruit.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian Russian

Money - نُقُودٌ

"Nuqūd" (sing. naqd): the currency, of gold and the like, exchanged between people. It is derived from "naqd", which means: distinguishing, revealing, hastening.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Gift/Giving - هِبَةٌ

"Hibah": giving something for no return. It is derived from "wahb", which means: conveying money or other useful items to someone. Other meanings: donation, favor, charity, grant.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Delegation - وِصَايَةٌ

"Wisāyah": when someone asks another person to do something on his behalf while he is absent. Original meaning: joining something to another. Other meanings: acceptance, affirmation.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Authority - وِلايَةُ

"Wilāyah": rulership, authority, being in charge of others. "waliyy", means: lord, owner, ruler. It is derived from "waly", which means: closeness, love. Other meanings: kingship, kinship, state, heredity.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian

Gamble - مَيْسِرٌ

"Maysir": gamble, gambling game. It is derived from "yusr", which means ease, as it involves taking money with ease.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Administrator - نَاظِرٌ

"Nāzhir": It is derived from "nazhar", which means: thinking, contemplating. It originally meant inspecting something with the eye and came to be used to refer to considering something and thinking about it.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Giving in marriage - تزويج

"Tazwīj": marrying off. Original meaning: pairing two things together. Opposite: "ifrād" (isolating). Other meanings: gathering, joining.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Transfer of ownership - تَمْليكٌ

"Tamlīk": transferring the ownership of something to someone else. Other meanings: to give in marriage.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian Russian

Buying on credit and selling for cash - تَوَرُّقٌ

"Tawarruq": asking for papers, eating papers. It is derived from "wariq", which means silver dirhams.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Deliberate ambiguity - تَوْرِيَةٌ

"Tawriyah": metonymy, indirect reference. Opposite: frankness. Original meaning: veiling, hiding. Other meanings: delay, extracting.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Russian

Cemetery - مَقبَرَةٌ

"Maqbarah" (graveyard): It is derived from "qabr", which means: grave, the hole in the ground wherein the deceased person is placed. Any place where the body of a deceased person is kept hidden is called "qabr", even the sea. "Qabr" also means the act of burying the deceased in the earth. Original meaning of "qabr": obscurity, invisibility. It was called thus because it conceals the body of the deceased person.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Russian

Coitus interruptus - عَزْلٌ

"‘Azl": removal, keeping away, discharging men’s semen outside women’s vulva during copulation to avoid conception.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Clan - عَشِيرَةٌ

"‘Ashīrah": one’s closest relatives. Other meanings: a group of one's relatives. It is derived from "mu‘āsharah", which means: mixing, merging, socializing.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Russian

Contract - عَقْدٌ

"‘Aqd": fastening, tying. Opposite: loosening. Original meaning: connecting two ends together. Other meanings: adherence, documentation, covenant, confirmation.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Annulment/Revocation - فَسْخٌ

"Faskh": removing, lifting, annulling, invalidating.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Minor - قاصِرٌ

"َQāsir": one incapable of doing something. It is derived from "qusūr", which originally means: not reaching the end. Other meanings: insane person, such as a child, a demented person, or a maniac.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Russian

Seizing/Taking into possession - قَبْضٌ

"Qabd": taking something in one’s full grip. Original meaning: accumulating and assembling. Other meanings: ability, seizing.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Russian

Acceptance - قَبُولٌ

"Qabūl": receiving something and taking it with contentment. It also means: acceptance.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Bequest/Will - وَصِيَّةٌ

"Wasiyyah": the money or the like determined in a will. It is originally derived from "wasl", which means: connecting something with another.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Oath-taking/Swearing - يَمينٌ

"Yamīn": oath-taking, swearing. It was called as such because people used to strike the "yamīn" (right hand) of one another upon entering into alliance. Other meanings: hand, blessing, strength.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Oath - قَسَمٌ

"Qasam": swearing, taking an oath. It is derived from "qasāmah", which means: the oaths that are divided and distributed among the blood relatives of the slain person (the practice of clearing a person accused of murder by the oaths of others testifying to his innocence).

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Freedom from liability/Innocence - بَراءَةٌ

"Barā’ah": discarding and being cleared from something. Original meaning: avoidance of what is disliked. Other meanings: abandonment, severance, separation.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian Russian

Trade - تِجارَةٌ

"Tijārah": trade, buying and selling. It is derived from "tājir", which means: trader.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Russian

Swearing - حَلِفٌ

"Halif": oath. Original meaning: adherence - since one is required to adhere to his oath.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Russian

Relatives - أقارِب

Aqārib": one’s family, relatives, and kindred.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Violation of an oath - حنث

"Hinth": major sin, wrongdoing. Opposite: fulfillment of oath. Other meanings: breaking an oath.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Russian

Trick - حِيلَةٌ

"Hīlah": what is used as a means to reach something secretly. It is derived from "hawl", which means: a shift from one state to another in a secret manner. It is mostly used to denote malice.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Turning away - إِعْرَاضٌ

"I‘rād": aversion, turning away, rejection. Opposite: proceeding toward something, obedience. It is derived from "‘ard", which means: appearance and prominence, or width. Other meanings: leaving out the work, going away, refusal, neglecting.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Russian

Usurpation - اِغْتِصابٌ

"Ightisāb": taking something in an oppressive and unjust manner and by force. It is derived from "ghasb", which means: compulsion.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Man’s offspring - العِتْرَةُ

"‘Itrah": a man’s children and offspring, also his clan and relatives, the close and the distant thereof. It is derived from "‘atr", which means: branching out or intensifying. "‘Itr": origin, ancestry. Relatives are called "‘itrah" because their lineages are branched out or because one cares for them intensely.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian Russian

Orphan - يَتِيمٌ

"Yatīm": a child with no father. It is derived from "yutm", which originally means: singleness

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Oaths - أَيْمانٌ

"Aymān" (pl. yamīn): oath, swearing. Original meaning: strength, ability. It was given this name because the one taking an oath strengthens and affirms his statement by it. Other meanings: pledge, covenant, the right side (as opposed to the left side).

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Russian

Unauthorized agent - فُضُولِيٌّ

"Fudūli": a person who involves himself in matters that do not concern him. It is derived from "fudūl", which means excess, surplus.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Gift/Grant - عَطِيَّةٌ

"‘Atiyyah": something given. It is derived from "‘atw", which means to take or receive.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Compensation - عِوَضٌ

"‘Iwad": compensation, recompense, replacing.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Russian

Expiation - كَفَّارَةٌ

"Kaffārah": expiation. It is derived from "kufr", which means concealing, covering. It was called so because it covers the sin and conceals it as if it was not committed.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Rescinding - إِقالَةٌ

"Iqālah": annulment, removal. Original meaning: removing harm. It is also said to be derived from "qawl", which means statement - or from "qaylūlah", which means a midday nap. Other meanings: dropping, interruption, abrogation, invalidation, abandonment, replacement.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian Russian

Respite - إِنْظارٌ

"Inzhār": to grant respite, delay, and postpone. Opposite: hastening. It is derived from "nazhar", which means to behold and see something. Other meanings: deliberation, anticipation, lying in wait.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian Russian

Justice - قِسْط

"Qist" (pl. aqsāt): justice. "Qast": injustice, oppression. Other meanings: share, portion.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Transgression - تَعَدي

"Ta‘addi": oppression, transgression. Original meaning: exceeding the limit. Opposite: justice. Other meanings: corruption, causing harm.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Defining/Identifying - تَعْريفٌ

"Ta‘rīf": informing, clarifying. Opposite: keeping unknown. It is derived from "ma‘rifah", which means knowledge, discernment. It originally came from "‘urf", which means stillness, tranquility. Other meanings: distinguishing, determining.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Mother of the child (slave girl) - أُمُّ الوَلَدِ

A female slave impregnated by her master who then gave birth, whether the newborn was alive or dead.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Juvenility - صِغَرٌ

The age period of humans from the time of the birth until reaching the age of puberty.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Currency exchange - صِرافَةٌ

Selling money for money, whether they are of the same type and description or are different.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Ascribing lineage - إِلْحاقٌ

Joining a child who is of unknown lineage to the man who claims to be his father if certain conditions are met.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Lust - شَهْوَةٌ

One's desire to have sexual intercourse.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Lineage - نَسَبٌ

A relationship between two persons through a close or distant birth.

Translated into: English French Spanish Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Female slave - أَمَةٌ

The woman who is owned by her master.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Contract-based partnership - شَرِكَةُ العَقْدِ

A joint enterprise between two or more persons to conduct some business.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Preemptor - شَفِيعٌ

The one who has the right to join to his possession the share of his neighbor or partner.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Loan request - اسْتِقْراضٌ

Taking money with the intention of benefiting from it on condition that the borrower returns the same amount to the lender later on.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

The Treasury - بَيْتُ الـمالِ

The authority that possesses the public funds of the Muslims.

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Affiliation - انْتِسابٌ

A person's ascription to his paternal line of relatives (his father's family lineage).

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Competence/Eligibility - أهْلِيَّةٌ

A person’s eligibility to acquire rights, perform duties, and dispose of affairs.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Sending/Letting hands loose - إِرْسالٌ

To loosen one's both hands down straight in prayer while standing, and not to clasp them (right hand on the left).

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Compensation - أَرْشٌ

A sum of money refunded to the buyer to compensate him for a flaw in the product.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Principal - أَصِيلٌ

The person who is represented by another to act on his behalf, and he is the one affected by the outcome of this representation.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Price - سِعْرٌ

What the seller demands in exchange for his merchandise.

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Custom order - اسْتِصْناعٌ

A contract to manufacture an item whereby the seller becomes committed to make the item for the buyer with material that the former provides, with certain specifications, in return for an agreed-upon price.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Kinship - قَرابَةٌ

Blood relationship that connects man with others.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Blight - آفَةٌ

The blight that damages whatever it afflicts of crops, property, and the like.

Translated into: English French Spanish Indonesian Russian

Milch camel/sheep - لَبُونٌ

Camel or sheep that bears milk.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Absolving of liability - إبْراءٌ

Absolving a person from a due debt or an obligation.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Russian

Ending an assembly - تَفَرُّقٌ

Ending an assembly and leaving each participant his own way.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Limitation period - تَقادُمٌ

The lapse of a specific period of time after which the claim for a right may not be filed, or the execution of a judicial verdict is dismissed.

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Forcing/Compelling - إِجْبارٌ

A state in which a person with authority forces another to do an act to realize a Shariah ruling.

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Buying/Purchasing - شِراءٌ

Paying the price in exchange for receiving the merchandise in a sale transaction.

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Established liability - شَغْلُ الذِّمَّةِ

Established liability for a debt or the like.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Russian

Pile/Heap - صُبْرَةٌ

A pile or heap of something without a known weight or measurement.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Bosnian Russian

Appraisal/Estimation - تَقْوِيمٌ

Specifying a price for something based on its lawful benefits.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Debt set-off - مُقاصَّةٌ

Setting off one debt against another.

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Immediate implementation - تَنْجِيزٌ

Immediate implementation of an action instantly without a delay, such as application of divorce without suspension or deferment.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Russian

Bullets - بُنْدُقٌ

Anything that could be used as a shot, whether it is made of stone, clay, iron, or the like.

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Veterinary treatment - بَيْطَرَةٌ

Treating diseases of cattle and animals.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Sale without estimation - بَيْعُ الجُزافِ

Selling or buying something wholesale without estimation by measuring, weighing, or counting.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Pebble sale - بَيْعُ الحَصاةِ

A sale transaction contingent upon tossing a pebble.

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Sale of money for money - بَيْعُ الصَّرْفِ

Sale of money for money, whether they are of the same kind or different such as dirhams, dinars, and banknotes.

Translated into: English Indonesian

Contract of barter in dates - بَيْعُ العَرايا

The sale of an amount of ripe dates that are still on the palm tree based on an estimation of the dates on the ground based on dry measurement.

Translated into: English French Spanish Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Sanctuary - حِمًى

The land which the Muslim ruler allocates for a certain public interest and prohibits anyone from approaching.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Collateral - ضَمَانَة

Anything by which a person preserves his right from loss.

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Race prize/money - سَبَقٌ

The prize assigned for the winner of a race.

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Crops - زَرْعٌ

The plant that results from sowing seeds in the soil.

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Taste - طَعْمٌ

What is sensed through tasting with the tongue, i.e. sweetness or bitterness.

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Contract annulment choice - خِيارُ التَّصْرِيَةِ

Buyer’s right to cancel or continue the sale contract of an animal if the seller deceived him by falsely showing that the animal produces a large amount of milk.

Translated into: English French Spanish Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Commodity's sighting choice - خِيارُ الرُّؤْيَةِ

Establishing the right of the buyer to proceed with the contract or cancel it when he sees the purchased commodity if he had not seen it at the time of making the contract or before it.

Translated into: English French Spanish Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Option due to defect - خِيارُ العَيْبِ

The right of either one of two contracting parties to annul a contract or conclude it if he finds a defect in the commodity or the price.

Translated into: English French Spanish Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Selling what is not fully possessed - بَيْعُ ما لَـمْ يُقْبَضْ

Selling something before having full possession of it and authority to dispose of it.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Sale by city-dweller on behalf of desert-dweller - بَيْعُ الحاضِرِ لِلْبادِي

The sale in which a person who lives in a city or village sells goods on behalf of another who lives in the desert, or on behalf of a non-resident, even if he is not a Bedouin.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Two sales in one contract - بَيْعَتانِ في بَيْعَةٍ

Making two sale agreements in one contract

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Consequence - تَبِعَةٌ

The consequences of an action and the rights that it involves.

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Deceit/Fraudulence (in a sale transaction) - تَغْرِيرٌ

Exposing oneself or someone else to deceit, risk, or destruction.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Regular imam - راتِبٌ

The imam appointed by the ruler or his representative to lead the congregational prayer.

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Capital - رَأْسُ المالِ

Total amount of money used to purchase goods with the intention of selling them to gain profit.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Russian

Immovable property - عَقَارٌ

Fixed assets such as houses, palm trees, etc.

Translated into: English

Settlement of debts - قَضَاءُ الْحَقِّ

"Qadā’ al-haqq": repayment of debt and delivering it to the creditor.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Russian

Thief - لِصٌّ

Someone who steals the property of another with force and harm, whether this is done secretly or openly.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Guardian - وَلِيٌّ

The person upon whom the validity of the marriage contract is contingent, such as father, his agent, or the like.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Russian

Illegitimate child/Bastard - وَلَدُ الزِّنَا

A child born through unlawful sexual intercourse.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Representation - نِيَابَةٌ

Having the authority to do a particular action on behalf of another so that the outcome of the action would benefit the represented person.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Russian

Deposit - وَدِيعَةٌ

Wealth left with someone in order to keep it without paying a fee.

Translated into: English Urdu Russian

Renting - كِراءٌ

A contract of a designated usufruct of an item for a specific time in exchange for a specific return.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Dedicating something for Allah's cause. - تَسبِيلٌ

Permitting the benefits of some property on a permanent basis, and dedicating its asset to a charitable purpose with the aim of drawing close to Allah.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Russian

Sharecropping - مُزارَعَةٌ

Giving a piece of land to someone to cultivate it in exchange for receiving a share of its produce such as the half or so.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Bidding - مُزايَدَةٌ

An increase in the price of a commodity made by two or more people, so the one who pays the highest price gets the sale contract.

Translated into: English Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Lending - تَسلِيفٌ

Lending money, out of kindness, to someone to benefit from while expecting to return the same amount or something equal to it.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian Russian

Emancipation - عَتَاقَةٌ

When a slave moves from the status of slavery to that of freedom.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Russian

Final illness - مَرَضُ المَوْتِ

The illness which most probably leads to death and which is actually succeeded by death, even if the cause of death is different.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Yearling calf - تَبِيعٌ - تَبِيعَةٌ

A calf that has completed its first year of age and started its second year.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Flute - مِزْمارٌ

A wooden musical instrument in the shape of a tube with holes along its length and an opening at each end. The flute player blows into the opening to produce sounds.

Translated into: English French Spanish Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Grandson - سِبْطٌ

One's grandson from his son or his daughter down to all levels.

Translated into: English French Urdu Russian

Pending contract - عَقْدٌ مَوْقُوفٌ

A lawful contract whose execution and approval was suspended due to a pending right of another party to it.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Russian

Concubinage - تسري

Taking a female slave as a concubine by her master.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Action with legal consequences - تَصَرُّفٌ

Whatever a person does willingly and leads to a consequence under the Shariah, whether this consequence is for the benefit of the doer or not.

Translated into: English Russian

Bindingness - لُزُومٌ

Persistence and effectiveness of a contract and impossibility of annulling it except with a legitimate reason.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Russian

Overtness/Openness - عَلانِيَةٌ

Anything that is apparent to people and nothing is hidden thereof.

Translated into: English French Urdu Russian

Tribe - قَبِيلَةٌ

A group of people belonging to the same lineage that is traced to the same ancestor.

Translated into: English French Spanish Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Horsemanship - فُرُوسِيَّةٌ

Knowledge of how to ride horses, direct, and control them.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

"Mudārabah" - مُضَارَبَةٌ

A joint partnership between two individuals in which one offers capital while the other offers work on the condition that the profit is shared between them according to their agreement.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Russian

Barter - مُعَاوَضَةٌ

Exchanging two things between two parties with the intention of having/transferring the ownership of the exchanged items.

Translated into: English Urdu Russian

Contract session/meeting - مَجْلِسُ العَقْدِ

The meeting place to conduct a sale contract.

Translated into: English French Indonesian Russian

Trustee/Caretaker - قَيِّمٌ

Someone who acts on behalf of a legally interdicted person for the purpose of maintaining the latter's wealth, without having the right to dispose freely of that wealth.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Russian

Basic rule/Original ruling - أَصْلٌ

In analogy, it refers to the basic rule, as opposed to the subsidiary rule.

Translated into: English French Spanish Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Affirmation - إِيجابٌ

The words spoken by the seller, or what substitutes speech, such as writing, gesturing, or the like, to indicate consent.

Translated into: English French Spanish Indonesian Russian

Undervaluing - بَخْسٌ

Unfair price-cutting in sale or purchase.

Translated into: English French Indonesian Russian

Trust-based sale - بَيْعُ الاسْتِنامَةِ

Buying or selling based on the honesty of the buyer or seller.

Translated into: English French Spanish Bosnian Russian

Sale to the unaware of the price - بَيْعُ المُسْتَرسِلِ

Sale involving a person who is ignorant of the value of the commodity and cannot haggle over the price.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Russian

Trust-based sale - بَيْعُ الأمانَةِ

A sale in which a seller sells a commodity to the buyer provided that when the buyer returns the commodity the seller should return the money.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Sale at the price of purchase - بَيْعُ التَّوْلِيَةِ

Buying a commodity at a certain price and then selling it at the same price, without profit or loss.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Russian

Sale with exception/Return sale - بَيْعُ الثُّنْيَا

Sale with the condition that whenever the seller pays back the money, the buyer must return the purchased item.

Translated into: English Urdu

Repurchase-option sale - بَيْعُ الوَفاءِ

Sale with the condition that whenever the seller refunds the purchase price, the buyer shall return the sold item.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Ignorance - جَهالَةٌ

Lack of knowledge about the sale item, its price, or the like.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian

Good quality/Quality - جَوْدَةٌ

A high level of quality and value that something reaches because it is made with precision or the like.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Minted/Coined - مَسْكُوكٌ

Coins (metal currency) which carry a stamp produced by the government authority.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Destruction - بوار

It is the destruction of the disbelievers in Hellfire on the Day of Judgment.

Translated into: English French Spanish Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Breaking one's undertakings - إخلاف

Non-fulfillment of what a person has promised or undertaken to do.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Armor - دِرْعٌ

What a warrior wears to protect his body from the enemy’s weapons.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Russian

Submission - إِذْعَانٌ

Surrender and submission to something and acceptance of its consequences entirely, without any hesitation.

Translated into: English Urdu Russian

Nyctalopic - أَعْشَى

A person who is unable to see during nighttime but can see during daytime.

Translated into: English Urdu Russian

Authentication - اِسْتِيْثَاقٌ

Seeking the establishment and affirmation of a right through a certain means with the purpose of preserving it.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian Russian

Overburdening - إعنات

To charge with burdensome tasks beyond one's power and capability.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Misappropriation - إغلال

Misappropriation of trust.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Guarding of oaths - حِفْظُ الأَيْمانِ

Controlling the tongue by refraining from excessive swearing, avoiding breaking oaths, and observing the due expiation upon breaking an oath.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Debt clearing/Debt set-off - تَقاصٍّ

Mutual debt cancellation.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Treasure - كَـنْزٌ

Buried riches.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Retrieving one's right - اِقْتِضَاءٌ

Retrieving one’s right from the other.

Translated into: English Urdu Russian

Desire - رَغْبَة

Wanting something, while being keen on getting it and longing to have it.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Flesh/Meat - لَحْمٌ

The soft muscular part between the skin and the bones.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Feces/Excrement - عَذِرَةٌ

Waste matter discharged from the bowels.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Raid - إِغارَةٌ

Attacking the enemy by surprise in order to take their wealth and lives, and to assault them.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Russian

To separate/distinguish - إِفْرازٌ

Separating and distinguishing the property of someone from that of his partner.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Taking sufficient sustenance - اقْتِياتٌ

Taking a sufficient amount of food to give the body strength and protection from illness, without which the body will decay.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Weight (for weighing scale). - صَنْجَةٌ

A piece of metal or stone, different in weight, put on one side of the scale to weigh things with.

Translated into: English French Spanish Russian

Wells - آبار

A deep hole in the ground from which water, oil, or the like is extracted.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Containers/Utensils - آنِيَةٌ

Any container that is made to use for cleaning, eating, or drinking, etc.

Translated into: English French Indonesian Russian

Confining/Restricting movement - تَرْسِيمٌ

Limiting and restricting a person's movement such that he cannot move from one place to another.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Dry land - بَـرٌّ

Dry land.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Share in water - شِرْبٌ

The time interval allocated for benefiting from water in irrigation or cultivation and the like.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Debris/Ruins - أَنْقاضٌ

Debris of a destroyed building.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Extinction - انْقِراضٌ

Death of the beneficiaries of an endowment.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Restoration - تَرْمِيمٌ

Repairing what has fallen into disrepair.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Sample/Model - أُنْمُوذَجٌ

A model that shows the description and essence of something.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Declaring one to be of age - تَرْشِيدٌ

A judge's ruling that a person has reached the age of majority (legal age) indicating that he has become able to dispose of his property sensibly and to manage it and develop it.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Falsification - تَزْوِيرٌ

Modifying something and making it appear contrary to its reality.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Wage/Payment - أَجْرٌ

Compensation given in return for service or utility.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Laborer/Wage earner - أَجِيرٌ

A person who works for another in return for a wage.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Russian

Gathering firewood - احْتِطابٌ

Gathering firewood, such as tree branches, boughs, and twigs, with the intention of owning it.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Riding behind someone - إرْدافٌ

It is when a rider allows someone else to ride behind him on his mount.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Granting benefits of immovable property - إرْفاقٌ

Granting the benefits of an immovable property (to someone).

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Allocation - إرْصادٌ

Allocating of a share of money by the ruler from the Muslim Treasury to some of those who deserve it.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Featherless arrows - أَزْلامٌ

The arrows that the Arabs used in pre-Islamic times as an augury to predict whether a matter was good or evil in order to make a decision regarding it.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Exception - اسْتِثْناءٌ

Excluding some elements covered by a general phrase from its ruling by using special Arabic articles of exception, such as "illā" or the like.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Incurring debt/Borrowing - اسْتِدانَةٌ

Requesting to take a sum of money to be returned in the future.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Regaining/Reclaiming - اسْتِرْدادٌ

Taking something back after it had been transferred to someone else.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Impotence/Inability - تَعْجِيزٌ

It refers to admission of the slave having a contract of manumission that they are unable to pay the amount stated in the contract.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Seeking respite - اسْتِمْهالٌ

It is to request extra time in order to fulfill a certain task.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Enslavement - اسْتِرْقاقٌ

Turning a free human being into an owned slave.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Minting die - سِكَّةٌ

An engraved metal die used to mint coins.

Translated into: English French Spanish Bosnian Russian

Wheat - بُرٌّ

Wheat grains.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Eternity - أبد

Infinite time into the future.

Translated into: English

The present time/Now - الآن

The present time at which you are in, which separates the past from the future.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Refuse/Decline - إِباءٌ

Refusing, abstaining from, and not accepting something.

Translated into: English French Spanish Bosnian Russian

Absconding/Running away - إباقٌ

The fleeing of a slave from his master to a different land in an intentional and rebellious manner.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Raw silk - إِبْرَيْسَمٌ

Silk that is disentangled before the worm leaves the cocoon.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Someone with extending buttocks - أَبْزى

A person whose chest extends forward and whose belly and back curve inwards.

Translated into: English French Spanish Russian

Citron - أُتْرُجُّةٌ

A fruit from a citrus tree similar to a large lemon, golden in color and has a pleasant fragrance.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Pollination - إبارٌ

Pollinating palm trees.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Russian

Obscurity - إِبْهامٌ

Obscurity and lack of clarity.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Combination/Union - اتِّحَادٌ

Agreement of two things or more and their sharing the same description, place, type, or etc.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian

Receiving by weight - اتِّزانٌ

Taking something after weighing it to know its measure.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Accepting a gift - اِتِّهابٌ

Accepting a gift and receiving it.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Furnace - أَتُّونٌ

A structure built of stones wherein fire is kindled.

Translated into: English French Spanish Bosnian Russian

Rewarding - إثابَةٌ

Giving someone money or the like as a reward/compensation.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Watering/Causing to flow - إِجْرَاءٌ

Causing water to run or flow into land, whether it is yours or someone else's.

Translated into: English Urdu Russian

Day-blind - أَجْهَر

The one who cannot see in sunlight.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Consensual contract cancellation - تَقايُلٌ

Revoking a concluded contract and its implications, with mutual consent.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Acceptance/Agreement - تَقَبُّلٌ

When two or more persons participate in work and split the wages between them.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Dates - تَمْرٌ

Fruits of the date palm tree.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Russian

Assessment - تَقَوُّمٌ

Being a property that is lawful to benefit from according to the Shariah.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Merchandise inventory - بَرنامَجٌ

A notebook or label containing the description, number, measurements, and specifications of the merchandise in a package or container.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Wall - حائِطٌ

A wall built upon the ground.

Translated into: English French Spanish Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Harvesting - حَصَادٌ

Harvesting crops.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Idleness/Unemployment - بَطالَةٌ

Idleness, unemployment, and abstaining from striving to work.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Hajj wages - بَلاغٌ

Money given to someone to cover the expenses of performing Hajj on behalf of someone else.

Translated into: English Urdu

Dwelling/House - بَيْتٌ

Any dwelling place that has walls and a ceiling.

Translated into: English Indonesian

Eggs - بَيْضٌ

It is what female animals such as birds and fish lay, from which their offspring emerge.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

A bar (of gold or silver) - سَبِيكَةٌ

A molten piece of gold or silver molded into a certain shape.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Pig - خِنْزِيرٌ

An evil mammalian, terrestrial, ugly animal.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

The last night of the month - سِرارٌ

The last night of the (lunar) month.

Translated into: English French Spanish Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Neck - رَقَبَةٌ

The neck that connects the head with the body.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Replacement - تَبْدِيلٌ

Selling a "waqf" (Islamic endowment) whose income or yield has decreased or ceased and then buy what yields better income and make it an endowment.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Defect free/Disclaim/Disown - تَبَرُّؤٌ

It is when the seller shows his merchandise to the buyer to be free of defects.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Cubit-measured sold items - ذَرْعِيَّاتٌ

Items that are sold by the cubit or meter or similar units of length.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Guarantor/Leader - زَعِيمٌ

One who is committed to fulfilling a right, which can be fulfilled on behalf of others.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Russian

Scarcity - نَدْرَةٌ

Scarcity of something.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Swimming - عَوْمٌ

Swimming and moving through the water.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Russian

Lineage tracer - قَائِفٌ

A person who can know the lineage of a person based on resemblance and examination of the parts of the body.

Translated into: English Russian

Qafeez (unit of measurement) - قَفِيزٌ

A name of an Islamic unit of measurement equivalent to 12 Sā‘s, and in modern units is equal to 33 liters or 26 kilograms.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Full slave - قِنٌّ

A slave, male or female, who is in pure slavery and does not have any means whereby he can obtain emancipation, neither sooner nor later.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Non-fungible goods - قِيمِيَّاتٌ

The commodities that have no equivalents on the market, or have equivalents that are valued disproportionately, such as animals, real estate, etc.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Manumission contract/Writing - مُكاتَبَةٌ

A contract between a slave and his master which states that the slave will pay an amount of money to his master in installments in exchange for his freedom.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Joint usufruct - مُهَايَأَةٌ

An agreement between two individuals or more on the sharing of a specific utility between them.

Translated into: English French Urdu Russian

Allegiance/Loyalty - وَلاءٌ

A kind of relationship resulting from the removal of slavery from a slave by way of freedom.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian

Crowding - مُزاحَمَةٌ

Pushing and shoving in some place.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Concealment - كِتْمانٌ

Hiding something and avoiding to talk about it.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Russian

Receiving - تَسَلُّمٌ

Receiving something and taking it such that it becomes at the taker's disposal.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Russian

Items added by tenant in leased property - كَدَكٌ

Items of value that a tenant introduces in a rented or endowed store, and he is thus their owner.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Drool - لُعابٌ

The saliva that drips from one's mouth.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Handing over - مُنَاوَلَةٌ

Holding something and handing it over.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Beast - عَجْماءُ


Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Bosnian Russian

Courtyard/Plain - عَرْصَةٌ

Any open area between houses in which there is no building.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Renting a riding turn/Renting part of ride - كِراءُ العُقْبِ

Renting a riding animal or the like to ride it for a certain length of time or a certain distance.

Translated into: English French Spanish Russian

Mineral - مَعْدَن

What is taken out of the earth with effort and refinement, like gold.

Translated into: English Urdu Russian

Bill of exchange - سُفْتَجَةٌ

It is when someone lends money to another in a country and asks the borrower to write him a document by which he (the lender) can collect the exchange of his money in another country.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Bosnian Russian

Divination arrows - قِداحٌ

The rods of arrows without feathers and blades.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Russian

Amount - قَدْرٌ

Measuring and appraising something, whether in weight, measurement, number, or the like.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Countables - مَعْدُوداتٌ

Anything whose quantity is determined by counting and calculation.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Russian

A resting place (estate) - قَرارٌ

A piece of land to which everything above it of buildings and air is annexed.

Translated into: English French Spanish Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Limited partnership - قِراضٌ

Giving a sum of money to a person to invest it in trade in return for an agreed-upon percentage of the profit.

Translated into: English French Spanish Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Waterway - مَجْرَى الماءِ

The place where water flows on a level or downward slope.

Translated into: English French Spanish Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Appointing a deputy - إِيصاءٌ

Appointing someone on one's behalf after one's death in order to do something and to preserve his interests.

Translated into: English French Indonesian Russian

Division - قِسْمَةٌ

Identifying and sorting out shares using certain measurements.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Russian

Fungible items - مِثْلِيّاتٌ

Anything whose equivalent is available in the market without any significant difference that causes a difference in price.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Divorcée - بَتْلَة

The divorced woman, whose marriage has been ended.

Translated into: English French Russian

Sowing - بَذْرٌ

Scattering seeds on the ground for the purpose of cultivation.

Translated into: English French Spanish Indonesian Russian

Group of guards - بَذْرَقَة

A group of guards ensuring people’s safety and guarding them in residence or in traveling.

Translated into: English French Russian

Postponement - تَأْجِيلٌ

Setting a specific time in the future for the fulfillment of a right or a duty.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Confirmation - تأكِيد

To assert and strengthen the indication of a preceding word by a following word.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Raw gold and silver - تِبْرٌ

Gold and silver extracted from earth before they are minted into coins (dinars and dirhams).

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Money - فُلُوسٌ

Any metal which people use to pay for goods, except gold and silver.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Insects - حَشَراتٌ

Tiny moving creatures and vermin of the earth

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Grandson - حَفِيدٌ

The son of one's son or daughter.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Dog - كَلْبٌ

A canine; a domestic tame animal that barks and has fangs.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian

Monetary value - مالِيَّةٌ

The description given to an item to denote that it has monetary value and can be utilized in a lawful manner approved by the Shariah.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Watercourse/Sewers - مَسِيلٌ

A place where water runs on the ground for draining.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Practicing a profession - احتراف

Practicing a certain type of work permanently to earn a living.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Snatching - اِخْتِلاسٌ

Snatching something in the presence of its owner while he is inattentive and running away with it.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Taking - أَخْذٌ

Acquiring something and taking possession of it.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Narrow-eyed - أَخْوَصُ

A man whose eye is sunken into his head because of its narrowness (smallness).

Translated into: English French Russian

One with different colored eyes - أَخْيَف

A person who has one black eye and one blue eye.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Russian

Condiment for bread - إِدامٌ

Anything that is usually eaten with bread, whether it is liquid or solid.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Russian

Wednesday - أَرْبِعاء

Small river.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Boundaries - أُرَفٌ

Boundaries and signs that separate lands, houses, etc.

Translated into: English French Spanish Bosnian Russian

Seeking light - اِسْتِضاءَةٌ

Benefiting from the light of the bulb, the fire, the sun, or the like.

Translated into: English French Spanish Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Eloquent - أَشْدَقُ

Someone with wide mouth corners.

Translated into: English French Spanish Russian

Shares - أَشقاصٌ

The share in a joint property of everything, be it little or much.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Gifting tree produce - إِعْرَاءٌ

Granting others the produce of trees free of charge for a limited period of time.

Translated into: English Urdu Russian

Puberty/Maturity - أَشُدُّ

The time when a child reaches the age of puberty and becomes mature.

Translated into: English Urdu Russian

Attainment - إِصَابةٌ

Realizing an intended goal by speech or action.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian Russian

Bent-legged - أَصْدَفُ

Animal whose thighs are very close to each other while its hooves are very distant from each other and its carpi are curved.

Translated into: English Russian

Judge aiding a litigant - إِعْداءٌ

Fairness of the judge and his aiding a litigant against the one who wronged him.

Translated into: English French Spanish Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Conferring - إعطاء

To give something to someone by way of transferring its ownership to the recipient.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Overlooking faults - إِغْمَاضٌ

Forgiving someone, overlooking his fault and not exposing it.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Releasing - اِفْتِكَاكٌ

Releasing something from the possession of someone else by fulfilling what is owed to that person.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian Russian

Category - صِنْفٌ

A class of things having particular shared characteristics.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian Russian

Restriction-free ownership - طَلْقُ

Something that is free of restrictions and its owner can dispose of it freely.

Translated into: English

Freed slave - عَتِيقٌ

A person who has been freed from slavery after having been a slave.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian Russian

The Verse of Bequest - آيَةُ الوَصِيَّةِ

Verse number 180 of Sūrat al-Baqarah, wherein Allah speaks about bequeathing wealth to the heirs.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Russian

In agreement/Concordant - متواطئ

A word whose form and meaning are concordant

Translated into: English French Spanish Bosnian Russian

Mutual oaths - تحالف

“Tahāluf” refers to the situation in which each party to the contract takes an oath to affirm his own version and deny the one offered by the other party.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Real/Literal meaning - حَقِيقَةٌ

Using words for their original literal meaning.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Farming/Agriculture - فِلاحَةٌ

Tending to agricultural land by digging and plowing it in preparation for cultivation.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Russian

Wording - صِيغَةٌ

Terms and phrases that indicate the will of the speaker and the kind of action he is performing, like a sale transaction and the like.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Shaping - صِياغَةٌ

Making jewelry from gold and silver for the purpose of beautification and adornment.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Craft/Profession - صِناعَةٌ

Any manual or tool-aided craft that a person practices to manufacture things until he becomes skilled at it and it becomes his profession.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Lost/Missing - ضائِعٌ

That which is missing other than animals, like people and properties.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Male animal rented for mating - عَسْبُ الفَحْلِ

A male animal copulating with a female animal, or using its semen.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Grapes - عِنَبٌ

Fresh grapes.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Warranty/Guarantee - عُهْدَةٌ

When the seller takes responsibility for any flaw in the merchandise while it is in the possession of the buyer for a specific period of time (warranty).

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Possessor by seizure - داخل

A person who acts freely, like an owner, concerning a certain property.

Translated into: English French Russian