Lending - إِقْراضٌ

"Iqrād": lending. It is derived from "qard" (loan), which means cutting off.

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Debt - دَيْنٌ

"Dayn": debt. It is derived from "dāna". Original meaning: submission, humiliation. It also means: delay. "Dayn" was called as such because of the humiliation it involves, or because its settlement is delayed to a future date.

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Loan - قَرْضٌ

"Qard": something cut off another thing. It also means loan, what someone gives to someone else, to be paid back later.

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Documentation - تَوْثِيقٌ

"Tawthīq": strengthening and establishing something. Original meaning: precision, perfection. It is derived from "wathīqah", which means something used a proof, such as letter and the like.

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Gentleness - رِفْق

"Rifq": gentleness, leniency. Opposite: harshness, severity. Other meanings: ease, facilitation. Original meaning: benefit.

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Rejection/Denial - جُحُودٌ

"Juhūd": denial, rejection. Opposite: acknowledgment. Original meaning: scarcity of anything.

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Respite - إِنْظارٌ

"Inzhār": to grant respite, delay, and postpone. Opposite: hastening. It is derived from "nazhar", which means to behold and see something. Other meanings: deliberation, anticipation, lying in wait.

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Loan request - اسْتِقْراضٌ

Taking money with the intention of benefiting from it on condition that the borrower returns the same amount to the lender later on.

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Established liability - شَغْلُ الذِّمَّةِ

Established liability for a debt or the like.

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Debt set-off - مُقاصَّةٌ

Setting off one debt against another.

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Settlement of debts - قَضَاءُ الْحَقِّ

"Qadā’ al-haqq": repayment of debt and delivering it to the creditor.

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Lending - تَسلِيفٌ

Lending money, out of kindness, to someone to benefit from while expecting to return the same amount or something equal to it.

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Authentication - اِسْتِيْثَاقٌ

Seeking the establishment and affirmation of a right through a certain means with the purpose of preserving it.

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Incurring debt/Borrowing - اسْتِدانَةٌ

Requesting to take a sum of money to be returned in the future.

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Seeking respite - اسْتِمْهالٌ

It is to request extra time in order to fulfill a certain task.

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Combination/Union - اتِّحَادٌ

Agreement of two things or more and their sharing the same description, place, type, or etc.

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Bill of exchange - سُفْتَجَةٌ

It is when someone lends money to another in a country and asks the borrower to write him a document by which he (the lender) can collect the exchange of his money in another country.

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Limited partnership - قِراضٌ

Giving a sum of money to a person to invest it in trade in return for an agreed-upon percentage of the profit.

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Fungible items - مِثْلِيّاتٌ

Anything whose equivalent is available in the market without any significant difference that causes a difference in price.

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Shaping - صِياغَةٌ

Making jewelry from gold and silver for the purpose of beautification and adornment.

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