Sharecropping - مُزارَعَةٌ

Giving a piece of land to someone to cultivate it in exchange for receiving a share of its produce such as the half or so.

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Share in water - شِرْبٌ

The time interval allocated for benefiting from water in irrigation or cultivation and the like.

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Gathering firewood - احْتِطابٌ

Gathering firewood, such as tree branches, boughs, and twigs, with the intention of owning it.

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Watering/Causing to flow - إِجْرَاءٌ

Causing water to run or flow into land, whether it is yours or someone else's.

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Dates - تَمْرٌ

Fruits of the date palm tree.

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Harvesting - حَصَادٌ

Harvesting crops.

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Sowing - بَذْرٌ

Scattering seeds on the ground for the purpose of cultivation.

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Wednesday - أَرْبِعاء

Small river.

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Farming/Agriculture - فِلاحَةٌ

Tending to agricultural land by digging and plowing it in preparation for cultivation.

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