Purity - طُهْرٌ

The interval during which the woman is free from menses and post-natal bleeding.

Translated into: English French Spanish Turkish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian Portuguese Bengali Chinese Persian Tagalog Indian Malayalam Telgu Thai

Ritual bath - غُسْلٌ

Pouring water all over the body with the intention to remove major ritual impurity, or to perform the recommended purification, or without any intention.

Translated into: English French Spanish Turkish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian Portuguese Bengali Chinese Persian Tagalog Indian Malayalam Telgu Thai

Divorce - طَلاقٌ

Dissolving the marriage contract wholly or partially on the spot or at a later time using specific words or metaphors to the same effect.

Translated into: English French Spanish Turkish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian Portuguese Bengali Chinese Persian Tagalog Indian Malayalam Telgu Thai

Purification - طَهارَةٌ

Eliminating ritual impurities and filth which prevent the state of purity required for performing prayer.

Translated into: English French Turkish Urdu Indonesian Russian Portuguese Bengali Chinese Persian Tagalog Indian Malayalam Telgu Thai

Prayer direction - قِبْلَةٌ

The direction the Muslims face in prayer.

Translated into: English French Turkish Urdu Indonesian Russian Portuguese Bengali Chinese Persian Tagalog Indian Malayalam Telgu Thai

Devil - شَيْطانٌ

Name of the disbelieving jinn who is created from fire.

Translated into: English French Spanish Turkish Urdu Indonesian Russian Portuguese Bengali Chinese Persian Tagalog Indian Malayalam Telgu Thai

Ablution - وُضوءٌ

Using pure water to wash particular body parts in a particular manner as an act of worship.

Translated into: English French Turkish Urdu Indonesian Russian Portuguese Bengali Chinese Persian Tagalog Indian Malayalam Telgu Thai

Concealing must-cover body parts - سَتْرُ العَوْرَةِ

Covering the parts of the body that people find it embarrassing and shameful to reveal, especially during prayer, like the private parts.

Translated into: English French Turkish Urdu Indonesian Russian Portuguese Bengali Chinese Persian Tagalog Indian Malayalam Telgu Thai

Must-cover body parts - عَوْرَةٌ

The body parts that should be covered and which one feels shy about uncovering, such as the private parts and the buttocks.

Translated into: English French Spanish Turkish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian Portuguese Bengali Chinese Persian Tagalog Indian Malayalam Telgu Thai

Menstrual Period - قُرْءٌ

"Qur’" (pl. aqrā’): time; hence, it is used to refer to the duration of menses or menstrual purity. Other meanings: gathering together, as blood gathers inside the woman’s womb.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Cleansing with stones - اسْتِجْمارٌ

"Istijmār": cleansing the private parts after answering the call of nature with "jimār", i.e. small stones.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Obsession/Whispering - وَسْوَسَةٌ

"Waswasah": covert voice and speech. Other meanings: vain self-talk, evils, and bad thoughts.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Tooth-stick - سِواكٌ

"Siwāk": small twig used for brushing one’s teeth. It is derived from "sawk", which means inclining, moving. Other meanings: brushing, rubbing.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Drinker of alcohol - شارِبُ الخَمْرِ


Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Lesbianism - سِحاقٌ

"Sihāq": sexual enjoyment between a woman and another woman. It is derived from "sahq", which means: remoteness, crushing (as lesbians press their sexual organs against each other).

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Major purification - طَهارَةٌ كُبْرَى


Translated into: English

Impure water - ماءٌ نَجِسٌ


Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Nocturnal emission - احْتِلامٌ

"Ihtilām": seeing sexual intercourse or the like during sleep, whether this is accompanied by ejaculation or not. Other meanings: discernment, puberty.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Cupping - اِحْتِجامٌ

"Ihtijām": extracting blood from the body. It is derived from "hajm", which means sucking. Other meanings: seeking "hijāmah" (wet cupping).

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Russian

Removing facial hair - نَمْصٌ

"Nams": plucking hair. It is also said to mean: plucking facial hair.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Purification - تَطْهِيرٌ

"Tat'hīr": cleansing, purification. Other meanings: absolution, freeing from impurities.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Starting with the right side - تَيمُّنٌ

"Tayammun": starting actions with the right hand, the right leg, and the right side in general. It is also used to mean: asking Allah for "yumn" (blessings and prosperity).

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Pre-seminal fluid - مَذْيٌ

"Madhy": a thin whitish liquid released from the penis upon sexual arousal, foreplay, kissing, or imagining sexual acts.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Duty/Obligation - وَاجِبٌ

"Wājib": required, established. It is derived from "wujūb", which means: requirement, establishment, falling.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Post-natal bleeding - نِفاسٌ

"Nifās": childbirth. It is derived from "tanfīs", which means: coming out from the inside. It came to be used to refer to the blood discharged because of childbirth.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Pillars stoned in Hajj - جِمارٌ

"Jimār" (sing. jamrah): pebble, small stone. It is used to refer to the place where stones are gathered and thrown.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Circumcision - خِتانٌ

"Khitān": to cut the skin over the head of the penis; and regarding the woman, it is removing some of the upper skin from the vagina.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

White post-menses discharge - القَصَّةٌ البيضاء

"Al-Qassah": white fluid that comes out at the end of the menses after the flow of blood stops.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Menopause - سن اليأس


Translated into: English Indonesian

Semen - مَنِيّ

"Manyy": semen; the water of the man or woman from which the fetus is formed. It is derived from "many", which means: spilling, pouring, determining. So, the man’s water is called "manyy" because it is poured forth (ejaculated), or because the fetus is determined and created from it.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Rinsing the mouth - مضمضة

"Madmadah": moving water around in the mouth. Original meaning: movement inside of something. Other meanings: washing.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Cemetery - مَقبَرَةٌ

"Maqbarah" (graveyard): It is derived from "qabr", which means: grave, the hole in the ground wherein the deceased person is placed. Any place where the body of a deceased person is kept hidden is called "qabr", even the sea. "Qabr" also means the act of burying the deceased in the earth. Original meaning of "qabr": obscurity, invisibility. It was called thus because it conceals the body of the deceased person.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Russian

Foreskin - قُلْفَةٌ

"Qulfah": the skin that covers the glans. Original meaning: to cut something from its root.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Partial head shaving - قَزَعٌ

"Qaza‘" (sing. qaza‘ah): a piece of cloud. Original meaning: dispersal, scattering. Other meanings: shaving parts of the head and leaving other parts unshaven.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Answering the call of nature - قَضاءُ الحاجَةِ


Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Intimacy with wife - مُباشَرَةُ المَرْأَةِ


Translated into: English Indonesian

Ritual impurity - حَدَثٌ

"Hadath": urine or the like that comes out of the anus or genitals. It is derived from "hudūth", which means: occurrence, happening anew.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian

Extravagance - إِسْرَافٌ

"Isrāf": extravagance. Original meaning: exceeding the limit in everything. Opposite: moderation, reasonability. It is derived from "musrif", which means: extravagant. Other meanings: wastefulness, negligence, carelessness, causing damage, wasting, squandering, corruption, extremism, interruption.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Russian

To let grow - إِعْفَاءٌ

"I‘fā’": increasing and growing. "‘Āfi": a person with long hair. "‘Afw": leftover and remnants of something, leaving out the punishment. It is derived from "‘afā’", which means: leaving. Other meanings: increase, elongation, release, letting go, acquittal, deliverance.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian Russian

Inability - عَجْزٌ

"‘Ajz": weakness. Original meaning: falling behind. Opposite: ability.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Russian

Elevated land - صَعِيدٌ

The surface of the earth regardless of whether it is covered with dust or something else.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Empty space (used for relieving oneself) - خَلاءٌ

A designated area used for answering the call of nature.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Regaining Consciousness - إِفاقَةٌ

Regaining mental faculties following a state of intoxication, mental illness, or fainting.

Translated into: English Urdu

Phalanxes (bones) - سُلامَى

Bones of the fingers and toes.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Intersex/Bisexual - خُنْثَى

A person born with both male and female sexual organs or neither of the two.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Socks - جَوْرَبٌ

A wrap made of wool or the like that is worn on the feet and covers the ankles.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Tangible purification - طَهارَةٌ عَيْنِيَّةٌ

Removing impurities from one's clothing, body, or a place.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Recommended purification - طَهارَةٌ مُسْتَحَبَّةٌ

Purification done in order to perform a voluntary, not obligatory, act of worship.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Growth of pubic hair - إِنْباتٌ

Emergence of coarse hair around the genitals.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Stoppage - انْقِطاعٌ

Stoppage of bloodflow.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Leaving/Abandoning - تَرْكٌ

Not doing something despite of being able to do it, whether it be intentionally or unintentionally.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Clean water - ماءٌ طاهِرٌ

Water that is clean in itself but does not purify other things.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Little water - ماءٌ قَلِيلٌ

Water whose volume is less than two "qullahs" (200 liters).

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Miscarried Fetus - سِقْطٌ

A dead fetus that falls out of its mother"s womb after its human shape has become visible.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Bosnian Russian

Abortion - إِجْهاضٌ

Expulsion of the fetus from the womb before it is fully grown or before completing the period of pregnancy.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Vapor - بُخارٌ

Steam that rises from liquids when their temperatures rise.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Russian

Fetus - جَنِينٌ

The child in its mother’s womb.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Taste - طَعْمٌ

What is sensed through tasting with the tongue, i.e. sweetness or bitterness.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Impurification - تَنْجِيسٌ

Throwing impurity into something pure.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Repeating something twice - تَثْنِيَة الأذان

Repeating the words of Adhān (call to prayer), and saying it twice.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Vermin - هَوَامٌّ

Small insects

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Sitting - جُلُوسٌ

The sitting in between the two prostrations during the prayer.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Heel - عَقِبٌ

The part of the rear of the foot that touches the ground.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian

Camphor - كافُورٌ

A white volatile crystalline substance with an aromatic smell and bitter taste. It is solid and can be crushed.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Wrist bone/Trapezium bone - كُوعٌ

The bone in the wrist joint below the thumb.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Most likely place/situation - مَظِنّةٌ

The most likely place where something could exist.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian

Forearm - سَاعِدٌ

The body part between the elbow and the hand.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Unintentional nullification of ablution - سَبْقُ الحَدَثِ

The coming out of a nullifier of ablution from the body unintentionally during prayer.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Soul patch - عَنفَقَةٌ

The hair that grows between the lower lip and the chin.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Russian

Bloodletting - فَصْدٌ

Cutting a blood vessel so as to let blood come out for the purpose of medical treatment.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Russian

Elderly women - قَواعِد

The old woman who no longer menstruates, or who has no desire for marriage.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Russian

Losing erection during penetration - إكسال

When a man's penis loses its erection after penetration during sexual intercourse, so he does not ejaculate.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Wrist - رُسْغٌ

The joint connecting the forearm with the hand.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Standing - قِيامٌ

Standing up on the ground in an upright position.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Placenta - مَشِيمَةٌ

Placenta or afterbirth; a tissue membrane that develops around the fetus inside the womb to protect it.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Napping/Taking a nap - إِغْفاءٌ

Light and short sleep.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Russian

Uncircumcised - أَغْلَفُ

The uncircumcised person.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Russian

Turban - عِمامَةٌ

A long piece of cloth wrapped around the head in a round shape.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Russian

Maliciousness/Evilness - خُبْثٌ

Corruption that harms one"s soul or body physically or spiritually.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Guffaw - قَهْقَهَةٌ

Laughing loudly and intensely in a way that those around him can hear it.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Flesh/Meat - لَحْمٌ

The soft muscular part between the skin and the bones.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Camel and Rabbit Hair - وَبَرٌ

The hair that grows on the skin of camels and rabbits.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Wool - صُوفٌ

It is what grows on the skin of the sheep.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Lying down - اضْطِجاعٌ

Lying down on the ground on one's side.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Feces/Excrement - عَذِرَةٌ

Waste matter discharged from the bowels.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Parts of the body/Organs - أَعْضاءٌ

Parts of the human or animal body that are distinct from other body parts.

Translated into: English French Spanish Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Wearing a ring - تخَتُّمٌ

To wear a ring on one's finger.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Anus - دُبُر

The opening through which feces exit the body.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Wells - آبار

A deep hole in the ground from which water, oil, or the like is extracted.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Drinks/Beverages - أَشْرِبَةٌ

Liquids and fluids that are drunk and not chewed, whether they are Halal (lawful to eat) or not.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Knuckles - بَراجِمٌ

The joints on the back side of the fingers.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Woman - مَرْأَةٌ

Adult woman.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Containers/Utensils - آنِيَةٌ

Any container that is made to use for cleaning, eating, or drinking, etc.

Translated into: English French Indonesian Russian

Renewed ablution - وُضوءٌ مُجَدَّدٌ

The ablution that is made while the previous ablution is still valid.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Recommended ablution - وُضوءٌ مَنْدوبٌ

It is the ablution that is prescribed for an act of worship while the act of worship is still valid without it.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Combing one's hair - اِمْتِشاطٌ

Combing, brushing, cleaning, and beautifying the hair.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Disrespecting/Taking a profession - اِمْتِهانٌ

Degrading something, having contempt for it, and not preserving and honoring it.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Fainting - إغْماءٌ

Losing consciousness and the ability to move because of illness.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Bosnian Russian

Tortoise - سُلَحْفاةٌ

A land-dwelling or sea-dwelling reptile whose body is encased in a hard bone-like shell.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Purification with water - طَهارَةٌ مائِيَّةٌ

Removing "hadath" (ritual impurity) or filth, which do not allow one to pray, by using water.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Utensil/Receptacle - إِناءٌ

A container for food and drink

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Erection - انْتِشارٌ

Erection of a man's penis and its arousal due to sexual desire.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Bad breath - بَخَرٌ

A rotten, foul odor in the mouth.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Camel grass - إِذْخِرٌ

A leafy green plant with a thick trunk and fragrant foliage used in the graves and other buildings.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Stale water - آجِنٌ

Water that has been altered in some or all of its properties because of remaining stagnant without having mixed with another material that might have altered it.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Spilling - إراقَةٌ

To pour liquid and spill it from a higher place.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Russian

Obligatory purification - طَهارَةٌ واجِبَةٌ

Removing what prevents one from praying of impurity or "hadath" (state of ritual impurity) with water or what substitutes it, such as soil/dust/sand or the like (by making "tayammum" [dry ablution]).

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Running water - الماءُ الجارِي

Water that is flowing in a level or a sloping place.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Purely mixed water - الماءُ المُتغَيِّرُ بِطاهِرٍ

Water which has one or more of its characteristics altered because of mixing with a pure substance.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Used water - ماءٌ مُسْتَعمَلٌ

Water that falls off the parts of the body during ritual purification.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Sun-heated water - ماءٌ مُشَمَّسٌ

Pure water that has been heated through exposure to the sun.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Illuminating - اسْتِصْباحٌ

Using a lamp for illumination.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Enjoying the spouse - اِسْتِمْتاعٌ

Mutual enjoyment between the spouses through sexual intercourse, foreplay, kissing, etc.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Thoroughness - اِسْتِيعابٌ

Thoroughly wiping or washing every part of the body organ while making ablution or Ghusl (ritual bath).

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

To help lean on something - إِسْنادٌ

Helping another person, such as a sick person for instance, by enabling him to lean on something for support.

Translated into: English French Spanish Indonesian Russian

Prevalent doubt - اِسْتِنْكاحٌ

Prevalence of doubt and its frequent influence on a person while performing acts of worship.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Finger/Toe - إِصْبَعٌ

The known body organ that extends from the hand or foot.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Cup/Mug - قَدَحٌ

A container used for drinking and similar purposes.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Bricks - آجر

Burnt bricks that are used in building.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Myrtle - آسٌ

An evergreen, fragrant tree, with oval leaves and white or pink blooms, having aromatic scented fragrance.

Translated into: English French Spanish Russian

Jug - إِبْرِيقٌ

A container with a handle and a spout from which liquids are poured.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Despair - إِبْلاسٌ

Despair of attaining any good.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Russian

Acquiring/Keeping - اتَّخاذٌ

Possessing or using something such as gold or silver containers for decoration purpose or the like.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Purification with dust - إِتْرابٌ

Putting dust on something for the purpose of purifying it or the like.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Russian

Trace - أَثَرٌ

Any trace of color, smell, or taste that remains after the removal of an impurity.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Russian

Antimony - إِثْمِدٌ

A black reddish stone that is crushed to powder and used as kohl (eyeliner).

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Salty bitter water - أُجاجٌ

Bitter and extremely salty water that cannot be used for drinking, watering plants, or any other use.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Russian

Increase in heat - اِحْتِدامٌ

Increase in the heat of menstrual blood.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Precaution - اِحْتِرازٌ

A person's cautiousness of letting impurities come in contact with his body, clothing, or the place where he prays.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Left hand - شِمالٌ

The left hand, opposite to the right hand.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Bosnian Russian

Dye/Pigment - صَبْغٌ

A substance used to dye clothing and the like.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Bosnian Russian

Sound/Voice - صَوْتٌ

Anything that is heard with the ear.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Using a limestone compound as depilator - تَنَوُّرٌ

Removing body hair by using a calcareous stone mixed with water, known as "noorah".

Translated into: English French Spanish Indonesian Russian

Braids - ضَفِيرَةٌ

Strands of hair interlaced with each other.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Tobacco - تَبَغٌ

A plant that belongs to the Solanaceae family of plants (genus Nicotiana). It is consumed by smoking and chewing and in other ways.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Blood - دَمٌ

The red fluid that flows in the veins of humans and animals.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Dung - رَوْثٌ

Dung and waste from animals.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Pig - خِنْزِيرٌ

An evil mammalian, terrestrial, ugly animal.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

End of turban/Lock of hair - ذُؤابَةٌ

The back end of the turban that falls along the nape.

Translated into: English French Spanish Indonesian Russian

Head - رَأْسٌ

The uppermost part of the body that contains the eyes, mouth, nose and ears.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Neck - رَقَبَةٌ

The neck that connects the head with the body.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Ash - رَمادٌ

The residue that remains when something is burned.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

"Ritl" (unit of weight) - رِطْلٌ

A unit for measuring weight.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Gallbladder - مَرارَةٌ

A sac-like organ attached to the liver, where substances which help in the digestion of fatty foods are stored.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Urine - بَوْلٌ

An impure liquid that the bladder excretes out of the body.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Pulling out - نَتْرٌ

Pressing and pulling out the remaining drops of urine from one"s penis when cleaning oneself with water.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Taking precautions - اسْتِظْهارٌ

It is that a woman takes precautions regarding the length of her menses.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Swimming - عَوْمٌ

Swimming and moving through the water.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Russian

Runnel/Rain swamp - غَدِيرٌ

A body of rainwater remained after a torrent of rain.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Stomach rumble - قَرْقَرَةٌ

The sound that is heard when gas moves inside the stomach before breaking wind or defecating.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian Russian

Drowsiness - نُعَاسٌ

The first stage of sleep, where the senses become weak and unaware of what is going on around them.

Translated into: English French Urdu Russian

Drying - تَنشيفٌ

Drying wet parts of the body with a towel or the like.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Tar-coated - مُزَفَّتٌ

A container coated with tar on the inside.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Drool - لُعابٌ

The saliva that drips from one's mouth.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Doubtful/Uncertain woman - مُرْتابَةٌ

A woman who has stopped menstruating, but does not know why her menses has stopped.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Emeralds - زُمُرُّدٌ

A gemstone that is dark green and very hard.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Ivory - عاجٌ

The ivory that is found in the tusks and bones of the elephant and the shell of the sea turtle.

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An elderly woman - عَجُوزٌ

An elderly woman.

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Agate - عَقِيقٌ

A precious stone of different colors used for the purpose of adornment.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Feces - غائِطٌ

Waste matter of the digested food that leaves the human body through the anus.

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Kiss - قُبْلَةٌ

Placing the lips on something as a sign of sexual desire, veneration, etc.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Russian

Vomit - قَيْءٌ

Food and liquids that come out from the stomach to the mouth.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Russian

Fluid/Runny - مائِعٌ

Any substance in a fluid state.

Translated into: English French Spanish Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Waterway - مَجْرَى الماءِ

The place where water flows on a level or downward slope.

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Hailstones - بَرَد

Frozen water pellets falling heavily from the clouds.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Cold - بَرْد

State of the weather when there is a drop in temperature below what is moderate.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Transferring/Changing - تَحْوِيلٌ

Changing the side of a garment from the right to the left or the otherwise.

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Nails - أظافر

A hard, bony material that covers the tips of the fingers and toes of humans and some animals.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Mouth - فَمٌ

An opening in the face used for speaking, eating, and drinking.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Dog - كَلْبٌ

A canine; a domestic tame animal that barks and has fangs.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian

Desirable female - مُشْتَهاةٌ

The female upon reaching an age at which she becomes desirable for men.

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Sexual intercourse - مُضاجَعَةٌ

Husband and wife sleeping under one cover together.

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Empty space - خلاء

The unoccupied space.

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Mixing - اِخْتِلاطٌ

The intermingling of parts of things and their gathering in one place.

Translated into: English French Spanish Indonesian Russian

Foot arch - أَخْمَص

The arched bottom of the foot that does not touch the ground while stepping on it.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

Leather - أَدِيمٌ

Tanned or untanned leather.

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Someone with smelly armpits - أَذْفَرُ

A man who has smelly armpits.

Translated into: English Bosnian Russian

The edges of the eyelids - أشْفارٌ

The edges of the eyelids, where the hair of the eyelashes grows. When closing the eyes, the "ashfār" come together.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Saltwort - أَشْنَان

A plant that is ground up and used in washing clothes, hands, etc.

Translated into: English Russian

Small water container - إِداوَةٌ

A small container made of leather to keep water therein.

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Sensing - إِحْساسٌ

Knowing something through one of the senses, such as sensing that one’s ritual purification has been nullified, through smell, touch or the like.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Russian

Paralytic - الأشل

A person who permanently and completely loses the ability to use one of their limbs.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Neck - عُنُقٌ

The part of a person's body connecting the head to the rest of the body.

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Lacking something - إعواز

"I‘wāz" is unavailability of water for purification after attempting to find it; actually unavailable or considered to be so under the Shariah.

Translated into: English Urdu

Pouring - إِفْراغٌ

Pouring out the liquid that is in a container on the body part.

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Bandage - ضِمادٌ

What is used to wrap the injured spot such as swathe or the like, whether medication is used or not.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Sweat - عَرَقٌ

Transparent liquid secreted by the body because of heat, sickness, and the like.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian

Beginning with the left - تَشامُلٌ

To start doing things with the left hand, the left leg, or the left side.

Translated into: English French Russian