Purity - طُهْرٌ

The interval during which the woman is free from menses and post-natal bleeding.

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Divorce - طَلاقٌ

Dissolving the marriage contract wholly or partially on the spot or at a later time using specific words or metaphors to the same effect.

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Menstrual Period - قُرْءٌ

"Qur’" (pl. aqrā’): time; hence, it is used to refer to the duration of menses or menstrual purity. Other meanings: gathering together, as blood gathers inside the woman’s womb.

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Major purification - طَهارَةٌ كُبْرَى


Translated into: English

Post-natal bleeding - نِفاسٌ

"Nifās": childbirth. It is derived from "tanfīs", which means: coming out from the inside. It came to be used to refer to the blood discharged because of childbirth.

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White post-menses discharge - القَصَّةٌ البيضاء

"Al-Qassah": white fluid that comes out at the end of the menses after the flow of blood stops.

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Menopause - سن اليأس


Translated into: English Indonesian

Intimacy with wife - مُباشَرَةُ المَرْأَةِ


Translated into: English Indonesian

Stoppage - انْقِطاعٌ

Stoppage of bloodflow.

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Miscarried Fetus - سِقْطٌ

A dead fetus that falls out of its mother"s womb after its human shape has become visible.

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Abortion - إِجْهاضٌ

Expulsion of the fetus from the womb before it is fully grown or before completing the period of pregnancy.

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Fetus - جَنِينٌ

The child in its mother’s womb.

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Elderly women - قَواعِد

The old woman who no longer menstruates, or who has no desire for marriage.

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Woman - مَرْأَةٌ

Adult woman.

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Enjoying the spouse - اِسْتِمْتاعٌ

Mutual enjoyment between the spouses through sexual intercourse, foreplay, kissing, etc.

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Despair - إِبْلاسٌ

Despair of attaining any good.

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Trace - أَثَرٌ

Any trace of color, smell, or taste that remains after the removal of an impurity.

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Increase in heat - اِحْتِدامٌ

Increase in the heat of menstrual blood.

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Taking precautions - اسْتِظْهارٌ

It is that a woman takes precautions regarding the length of her menses.

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Doubtful/Uncertain woman - مُرْتابَةٌ

A woman who has stopped menstruating, but does not know why her menses has stopped.

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An elderly woman - عَجُوزٌ

An elderly woman.

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Sexual intercourse - مُضاجَعَةٌ

Husband and wife sleeping under one cover together.

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