Grave - قَبْرٌ

The place where a dead person is buried in the ground.

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Washing the deceased - تَغْسِيلُ المَيِّتِ

Washing the entire body of the deceased with water in a Shariah-approved manner.

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Burying the dead - دَفنٌ الميت

Placing the deceased person in his grave and covering him with dust.

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Visiting the graves - زِيارَةُ القُبُورِ

Visiting the graves of Muslims with the intention to supplicate for them, derive lessons from their condition, and remember the Hereafter.

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Following the funeral procession - تَشْيِيعُ الجَنازَةِ

Following the deceased and carrying him to the place where the funeral prayer will be offered for him and the place where he will be buried.

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Funeral prayer - صَلاةُ الجَنازَةِ

Supplication and prayer offered for a deceased person in a specific manner.

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Funeral/The dead body in the bier - جَنازَةٌ

"Janāzah": The body of the deceased person. It may also mean the bier on which the dead person is carried. It is originally derived from "tajnīz", which means: preparing and making ready (for burial).

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Debt - دَيْنٌ

"Dayn": debt. It is derived from "dāna". Original meaning: submission, humiliation. It also means: delay. "Dayn" was called as such because of the humiliation it involves, or because its settlement is delayed to a future date.

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Calamity supplication - اسْتِرْجاعٌ

"Istirjā‘": restoring, recovering, and reclaiming (something). It also refers to saying: "Inna lillah wa inna ilayhi rāji‘ūn." (We belong to Allah, and to Him we shall return.)

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Straightening the rows - تَسْوِيَةٌ


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Consolation - تَعْزِيَةٌ

"Ta‘ziyah": enjoining and urging someone to show patience. It is derived from "‘azā’", which means patience. Other meanings: solace, comfort.

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Menopause - سن اليأس


Translated into: English Indonesian

Wailing - نِيَاحَةٌ

"Niyāhah": crying in a loud voice, yelling, shrieking. It is derived from "tanāwuh", which means: meeting. The crying of women during the pre-Islamic period of ignorance was called "niyāhah" because they used to meet one another and weep over the deceased.

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Wailing woman - نَـائِحَةٌ

"Nā’ihah": It is derived from "nawh", which means: crying loudly, wailing. It is originally derived from "tanāwuh", which is meeting, and hence the weeping of women was called "niyāhah", for they would get together and engage in crying and wailing.

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Cemetery - مَقبَرَةٌ

"Maqbarah" (graveyard): It is derived from "qabr", which means: grave, the hole in the ground wherein the deceased person is placed. Any place where the body of a deceased person is kept hidden is called "qabr", even the sea. "Qabr" also means the act of burying the deceased in the earth. Original meaning of "qabr": obscurity, invisibility. It was called thus because it conceals the body of the deceased person.

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A niche in the grave - لَحْدٌ

"Lahd": a crevice made in the side of a grave. It is derived from "ilhād", which originally means: tilting and swerving from something.

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Death throes/death agony - احْتِضارٌ

"Ihtidār": being on the verge of death and showing its signs.

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Sitting posture in prayer - افْتِراشٌ

The sitting position in prayer wherein the worshiper bends his left foot underneath him and sits on it and erects his right foot so that his heel is raised and the bottom of his toes are on the ground with the toe tips pointing to the "qiblah" (prayer direction).

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Phalanxes (bones) - سُلامَى

Bones of the fingers and toes.

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Miscarried Fetus - سِقْطٌ

A dead fetus that falls out of its mother"s womb after its human shape has become visible.

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Concealment - سَتْرٌ

Concealing someone else's defect and not revealing it to people.

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Impurification - تَنْجِيسٌ

Throwing impurity into something pure.

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Karat - قِيرَاطٌ

A certain measure that is one out of twenty-four parts.

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Camphor - كافُورٌ

A white volatile crystalline substance with an aromatic smell and bitter taste. It is solid and can be crushed.

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Final illness - مَرَضُ المَوْتِ

The illness which most probably leads to death and which is actually succeeded by death, even if the cause of death is different.

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Shouting - صِياحٌ

Aloud sound made by a living being, such as a human being or the like.

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Lote trees - سِدْرٌ

The lote (buckthorn) tree whose leaves are mixed with water after being crushed to be used in cleaning and in "ruqyah" (Shariah-approved method for healing).

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Camel grass - إِذْخِرٌ

A leafy green plant with a thick trunk and fragrant foliage used in the graves and other buildings.

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Incurring debt/Borrowing - اسْتِدانَةٌ

Requesting to take a sum of money to be returned in the future.

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Bricks - آجر

Burnt bricks that are used in building.

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Coffin/Chest/Box - تابُوتٌ

The box wherein deceased is placed and buried due to a need or a benefit.

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Drying - تَنشيفٌ

Drying wet parts of the body with a towel or the like.

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Trousseau/Baggage - جَهازٌ

Name given to the supplies that the bride needs (of clothes, linens, etc) for her marriage.

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Weeping - بُكَاءٌ

Shedding tears because of fear, grief, and the like.

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Being carried alive from the battlefield - اِرْتِثاثٌ

The return of an injured combatant who sustained heavy wounds and barely alive.

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Hastening - إِسْرَاعٌ

Performing something at its earliest time

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Neck - عُنُقٌ

The part of a person's body connecting the head to the rest of the body.

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Pouring - إِفْراغٌ

Pouring out the liquid that is in a container on the body part.

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Sight - بَصَر

The ability of the eye to see tangible things.

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