Funeral prayer - صَلاةُ الجَنازَةِ

Supplication and prayer offered for a deceased person in a specific manner.

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Funeral/The dead body in the bier - جَنازَةٌ

"Janāzah": The body of the deceased person. It may also mean the bier on which the dead person is carried. It is originally derived from "tajnīz", which means: preparing and making ready (for burial).

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Menopause - سن اليأس


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Wailing - نِيَاحَةٌ

"Niyāhah": crying in a loud voice, yelling, shrieking. It is derived from "tanāwuh", which means: meeting. The crying of women during the pre-Islamic period of ignorance was called "niyāhah" because they used to meet one another and weep over the deceased.

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Death throes/death agony - احْتِضارٌ

"Ihtidār": being on the verge of death and showing its signs.

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Miscarried Fetus - سِقْطٌ

A dead fetus that falls out of its mother"s womb after its human shape has become visible.

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Final illness - مَرَضُ المَوْتِ

The illness which most probably leads to death and which is actually succeeded by death, even if the cause of death is different.

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Shouting - صِياحٌ

Aloud sound made by a living being, such as a human being or the like.

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Coffin/Chest/Box - تابُوتٌ

The box wherein deceased is placed and buried due to a need or a benefit.

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Trousseau/Baggage - جَهازٌ

Name given to the supplies that the bride needs (of clothes, linens, etc) for her marriage.

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Sight - بَصَر

The ability of the eye to see tangible things.

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