Funeral prayer - صَلاةُ الجَنازَةِ

Supplication and prayer offered for a deceased person in a specific manner.

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Funeral/The dead body in the bier - جَنازَةٌ

"Janāzah": The body of the deceased person. It may also mean the bier on which the dead person is carried. It is originally derived from "tajnīz", which means: preparing and making ready (for burial).

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Debt - دَيْنٌ

"Dayn": debt. It is derived from "dāna". Original meaning: submission, humiliation. It also means: delay. "Dayn" was called as such because of the humiliation it involves, or because its settlement is delayed to a future date.

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Miscarried Fetus - سِقْطٌ

A dead fetus that falls out of its mother"s womb after its human shape has become visible.

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Camel grass - إِذْخِرٌ

A leafy green plant with a thick trunk and fragrant foliage used in the graves and other buildings.

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Incurring debt/Borrowing - اسْتِدانَةٌ

Requesting to take a sum of money to be returned in the future.

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Coffin/Chest/Box - تابُوتٌ

The box wherein deceased is placed and buried due to a need or a benefit.

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