Translation - تَرْجَمَةٌ

Interpreting speech and rendering it from one language to another.

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Copy of the Qur’an - مُصْحَفٌ

The collection of sheets and papers on which the Noble Qur’an is written with all its verses and Surahs arranged in the same order upon which the Muslims agreed during the era of ‘Uthmān (may Allah be pleased with him).

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The Verse of al-Kursi - آيةُ الكُرْسِيِّ

Verse 255 of Surat al-Baqarah in the Noble Qur’an.

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Surah/Chapter of the Qur’an - سُورةٌ

A distinctive set of verses from the Qur’an that has a beginning and an end, a special name, and a minimum of three verses.

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Supplication - دُعَاء

Drawing close to Allah Almighty by obeying Him or by invoking Him while hoping for His bounty and fearing His punishment.

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Proper recitation of the Qur’an - تَجْوِيدٌ

"Tajwīd": improvement, beautification, perfection, adornment.

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Measured recitation of the Qur’an - تَرْتِيلٌ

"Tartīl": arranging, organizing. Other meanings: deliberateness, clarifying, improving.

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Thankfulness - شُكْرٌ

"Shukr": acknowledging and mentioning the favors of others. It also means: praising someone for a favor he has done. Opposite: ingratitude.

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The Mother of the Book - أُمُّ الكِتابِ


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Perfection/Skillfulness - إِتْقانٌ

"Itqān": doing something and learning it precisely, perfectly, correctly, and accurately.

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Qur’anic verse - آيَةٌ

"Āyah" (pl. āyāt"): sign, indication, a verse of the Qur’an. Other meanings: miracle, proof, evidence, wonder, admonition.

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Vow - نذر

"Nadhr": something a person makes obligatory and binding upon himself.

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Miraculousness of the Noble Qur’an - إعجاز القرآن الكريم


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Tranquility - سَكِينَةٌ

"Sakīnah": tranquility. It is derived from "sukūn", which originally indicates firmness and stability. Other meanings: solemnity, serenity.

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Deduction from the Qur’an - اسْتِنْبَاطٌ

"Istinbāt": extracting. It is derived from "nabt", which means: appearance of something that was hidden. Other meanings: deriving, discovering.

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Principles of exegesis - أُصُولُ التَّفْسِيرِ

A set of correct rules and methods that are needed to figure out the meanings of the noble Qur’an.

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Sub-parts of the Qur’an - أَحْزَابُ القُرْآنِ

Consecutive portions of the Qur’an that are marked by a certain sign in the "mus'haf" (physical copy of the Qur’an). They are well coordinated and are read uninterruptedly within a known time frame.

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Saying: In the name of Allah - تَسْمِيَّةٌ

"Tasmiyah": to mention the name or position of something. Other meanings: to define, specify. It is derived from "sumuww" - which means: highness, elevation - and from "simah", which means: mark.

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Solecism/Mispronunciation - لحْنٌ

"Lahn": error, departure from what is correct. Original meaning: tilting something from its right position. Other meanings: voice, improvement of speech, singing.

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Qur’anic invocations - أَدْعِيَةُ القُرْآنِ

What was reported in the Qur’an for praising Allah, the Almighty, or invoking Him to bring about good or ward off evil.

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Scientific inimitability - الإعجازُ العلميُّ

The communication of a scientific fact or cosmic phenomenon by the Qur’an or the Sunnah before the advent of the contemporary empirical science at a time in which people could not reach such facts through other than the Qur’an.

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The two refuge-seeking sūrahs - الـمُعَوِّذَتَانِ

"Al-mu‘awwidhatān" (sing. mu‘awwidhah): the two things that protect against evil. It is derived from "ta‘wīdh", which means: preservation, protection. Original meaning of "‘awdh": seeking protection and refuge from harm.

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The Mufassal Sūrahs - الـمُفَصَّلُ

"Mufassal": something with many obviously distinct parts. It is derived from "fasl", which means: distinguishing something from another. Other meanings: clear, cut into pieces, partitioned, limited.

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The Makkan Qur’anic revelations - الـمَكِّي

"Makki": an adjective derived from the name of Makkah.

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Judeo-Christian reports - إِسْرَائِيلِيَات

"Isrā’īliyyāt" (sing. Isrā’īliyyah): an ascription to the Children of Israel. The word Israel originally refers to Prophet Ya‘qūb (Jacob), son of Prophet Is'hāq (Isāc), son of Prophet Ibrahīm (Abraham). It is a non-Arabic term, which means a servant of Allah. Therefore, the Children of Israel are the descendants of Prophet Ya‘qūb

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Reciting the Qur’an - تِلاوَةُ القُرْآنِ


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Promise - وعد

"Wa‘d": telling about doing something for someone in the future. Opposite: threat, warning.

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Linguistic inimitability - الإِعْجَاز اللُّغَوِي

The Qur’an reporting human"s inability to imitate the Qur’an or produce a single surah of the like thereof in respect to its words, meanings, style, and so on.

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Sending down the Qur’an - إِنْزَالُ القُرْآنِ

Sending the Qur’an down to the lowest heaven all at once, then sending it down to Muhammad, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him, through Jibreel (Gabriel), peace be upon him, after hearing it from Allah.

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Clear/Unambiguous verses - الآيَاتُ المُحْكَمَةُ

The clear, unambiguous verses whose meaning is not hidden from anyone.

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Divine threat - وعيد

"Wa‘īd": threatening, intimidation, and informing about doing something in the future.

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The seven-verse surah/The often-repeated surah - السَّبْعُ الـمَثَاني

Sūrat al-Fātihah, which is seven verses.

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Sciences of the Qur’an - عُلومُ القُرْآنِ

A science comprising a set of researches and branches of knowledge concerned with the Qur’an that help understand the Qur’an and extract its lessons. They are inseparably attached to the Qur’an.

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The ten recitations - القِرَاءَاتُ العَشْرُ

The famous ten modes of Qur’anic recitation that are reported by multiple consecutive chains of narration and attributed to the seven famous Imams as well as the other three Imams.

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Difference based on variation - اخْتِلَافُ التَّنَوُّعِ

Conflict between two or more valid non-contradictory opinions which can be reconciled.

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Making someone read (the Qur’an) - إِقْراءٌ

Making another person read the Qur’an or another text, either for listening to it and remembring Allah, or teaching and memorizing it.

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Memorizing - حِفْظٌ

The ability to store information in your brain and to recall it at any time.

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Modes of Qur’an recitation - قِراءاتٌ

A mode of recitation adopted by one of the leading reciters of the Qur’an which is different from the methods of others in pronunciation of the letters of the Qur’an or their orthography and diacritical marks.

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Interpretation/Allegorical interpretation - تَأوِيلٌ

Replacing the apparent meaning of the word with another different meaning.

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Scribes of the Revelation - كتاب الوحي

The Companions whom the Prophet, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him, assigned to write down and record the Qur’an that was revealed to him.

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Qur’anic rulings - أَحْكَامُ القُرْآنِ

Subordinate practical issues that are derived from the noble Qur’an.

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Divergence of exegetes - اخْتِلَافُ الـمُفَسِّرِينَ

The exegetes' difference of opinion on the meaning of a Qur’anic verse, word, ruling, or the like.

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Qur’anic parables - أَمْثالُ القُرْآنِ

Verses of the Qur’an in which resemblance is drawn between two things, or a wonderful meaning is communicated precisely to make things clear, or to highlight a fact, etc.

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Verses of the Ten Commandments - آيَاتُ الوَصَايَا العَشْرِ

The three opening verses of the last quarter of the Sūrat al-An‘ām containing ten commandments.

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Verifying/Measured recitation - تَحْقِيقٌ

Slow and measured recitation in which the meanings are pondered and the rules are observed with the purpose of teaching.

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Rapid recitation ‎ - حَدْرٌ

Rapid recitation of the Qur’an while observing the rules of "tajweed" (rules governing pronunciation during the recitation of the Qur’an).

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Unfamiliar words of the Qur’an - غَرِيبُ القُرْآنِ

Qur’anic words that need clarification of their meanings.

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Modes of Qur’an recitation - القِرَاءَاتُ القُرْآنِيَّةُ

Methods of reciting the Noble Qur’an that were selected by a group of scholars and are attributed to the Prophet, may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him, through a chain of narration.

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Conversion - إقْلابٌ

Changing the sound of the vowelless letter "noon" or "tanween" (nunation) into the sound of the letter "meem" when followed by the letter "bā", while observing "ghunnah" (nasalization) and "ikhfā’" (slightly hide and lengthen the "noon" sound of the vowelless "noon" and "tanween").

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Listening - سَماعٌ

Any beautiful sound that a person enjoys listening to.

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Replacing - إبدال

Replacing a letter with another or a vowel mark with another during the recitation of the Qur’an in prayer.

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Accent/Speech defect - لُكْنَةٌ

Inability to pronounce some Arabic letters correctly either by leaving out a letter, replacing it, or repeating it.

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Dysarthric person - أَرَتٌّ

A person who merges letters together when speaking in a way that is different from the merging of letters that is spoken by normal people.

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The Verse of Righteousness - آيَةُ البِرِّ

Verse no. 177 in Sūrat al-Baqarah. Allah, the Almighty, presents the ways of goodness therein.

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The Verse of Bequest - آيَةُ الوَصِيَّةِ

Verse number 180 of Sūrat al-Baqarah, wherein Allah speaks about bequeathing wealth to the heirs.

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The Verse of the Ten Rights - آيَةُ الحُقُوقِ العَشَرَةِ

Verse number 36 of Sūrat an-Nisā, which covers ten rights.

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Explaining the difference between Qur’anic modes of recitation - تَوْجِيهُ القِرَاءَاتِ

A branch of knowledge devoted to investigating the soundness of the method according to which a specific mode of recitation is reported, along with identifying the differences between the various modes of recitations of the Qur’an.

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Invalid reports and opinions cited in Qur’anic exegeses - الدَّخِيلُ فِي التَّفْسِيرِ

All false reports and invalid opinions cited in the Qur’anic exegeses.

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The seven long surahs - السَّبْعُ الطِّوَالُ

A set of surahs of the Qur’an starting with Sūrat al-Baqarah and ending with either Sūrat Yunus or Sūrat-ut-Tawbah and Sūrat al-Anfāl (together).

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Counting verses - عَدُّ الآيِّ

A science that deals with counting the number of verses in a certain surah or in the entire Qur’an, along with identifying the beginning and the end of each verse.

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The Prophet's last revision of the Qur’an with Jibreel (Gabriel) - العَرْضَةُ الأَخِيرَةُ

The recitation of the entire Qur’an by the Prophet, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him, twice before Jibreel, peace be upon him, in the year the Prophet, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him, passed away.

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"Mus-hafs" of the Companions - مَصَاحِفُ الصَّحَابَةِ

The "mus-hafs" (physical copies) of the Qur’an that some of the Companions, may Allah be pleased with them, transcribed for themselves and which were named after them.

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