Dutifulness to one’s parents - بِرُّ الوالِدَيْنِ

Dutifulness and kindness to one’s parents through words and deeds during their life and after their death.

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Maintaining kinship ties - صلة الرحم

Showing kindness to relatives, doing good to them, and fending off harm from them.

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Lending - إِقْراضٌ

"Iqrād": lending. It is derived from "qard" (loan), which means cutting off.

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Intercession - شَفاعَةٌ

"Shafā‘ah": requesting something on behalf of someone. Other meanings: increasing, joining and partnering with.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Good manners/Politeness - أَدَبٌ

"Adab": good manners and noble actions. Its original meaning is calling, as it calls people to what is praiseworthy.

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Perfection/Skillfulness - إِتْقانٌ

"Itqān": doing something and learning it precisely, perfectly, correctly, and accurately.

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Gentleness - رِفْق

"Rifq": gentleness, leniency. Opposite: harshness, severity. Other meanings: ease, facilitation. Original meaning: benefit.

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Optimism - تَفاؤُلٌ

"Tafā’ul": deriving hope and joy from good speech. Opposite: pessimism.

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Piety/Religious prudence - وَرَعٌ

"Wara‘": refraining, holding back, prevention, avoidance of sin.

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Manhood/Magnanimity - مُرُوءَةٌ

"Murū’ah": manhood in its perfect form; good manners and politeness. It is derived from "marī’" (the gullet). It was also said to be derived from "mar’", which means: man, human being. Other meanings: humanity, chastity, generosity, nobility, uprightness.

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Chastity - عِفَّةٌ

"‘Iffah": refraining and abstaining from what is bad and objectionable. Original meaning: scarcity. Other meanings: purification, chastity.

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Jealousy - غَيْرَةٌ

"Ghayrah": ardent enthusiasm and anger about something. It is derived from "taghayyur", which means: transformation.

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Relatives - أقارِب

Aqārib": one’s family, relatives, and kindred.

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Handshaking - مُصافَحَةٌ

"Musāfahah": placing one’s hand in the hand of another. It is derived from "sufh", which means: the side of something.

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Compassion - شَفَقَةٌ

"Shafaqah": fear from and caution about misfortune, keenness on reform. Original meaning: delicateness. Other meanings: caution, mercy, affection, and grief.

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Forbearance - حِلْم

"Hilm": deliberateness, patience, quietness, self-restraint. Opposite: haste, foolishness.

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Magnanimity - شَهامَةٌ

"Shahāmah": bravery. Original meaning: smartness, sharpness. Other meanings: strength, vigor.

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Munificence/Tolerance - سَماحَةٌ

"Samāhah": generosity, giving. Original meaning: leniency, gentleness, compliance. Other meanings: tolerance, pardon.

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Forgiveness - غُفْرانٌ

"Ghufrān": forgiveness, pardon, overlooking mistakes. It is derived from "ghafr", which means: covering, hiding, insertion.

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Kindness/Compassion - عَطْفٌ

"‘Atf": kindness, compassion, tenderness. Original meaning: leaning, reclining.

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Generosity - كَرَمٌ

"Karam": generosity, honor, abundance. Opposite: stinginess, maliciousness.

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Contentment - قَنَاعَة

"Qanā‘ah": contentment, satisfaction. Other meanings: concealment, acceptance, submission.

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Faithfulness/Loyalty - وَفاءٌ

"Wafā’": loyalty, fulfillment of covenant. Opposite: treachery. Original meaning: completeness, perfection.

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Altruism - إِيثارٌ

"Īthār": altruism, selflessness. Opposite: selfishness. Original meaning: giving precedence to something.

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Cooperation - تَعاوُنٌ

"Ta‘āwun": cooperation, people assisting one another. It is derived from "‘awn", which means: help, support. “Isti‘ānah”: seeking help from others.

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Honoring humankind - تَكْرِيمُ الإنْسانِ


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Good morals - حُسْنُ الخُلُقِ


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Cheerfulness - طَلاقَةُ الوَجْهِ


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Good treatment - حسن المعاملة


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Suppressing anger - كَظْمُ الغَيْظِ


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Keeping secrets - كِتْمانُ السِّرِّ


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Good/Lawful - طَيِّب

"Tayyib": delicious, lawful, permissible. It is derived from "tībah", which means safety from evil. Opposite: evil, unlawful. Other meanings: appropriate, nice, easy, pure, clean.

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Justice - قِسْط

"Qist" (pl. aqsāt): justice. "Qast": injustice, oppression. Other meanings: share, portion.

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Mutual advice - تَوَاصِي

"Tawāsi": mutual advice among people. It is derived from "wasiyyah", which means something established and affirmed. Original meaning of "wasiyyah": connecting something to another. Other meanings: plotting, prohibiting one another, being committed to one another.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Honoring - تَكْرِيْم

"Takrīm": revering, extolment. It is derived from "karam", which means honor. Other meanings: preferring, holding exalted above deficiencies, sanctifying, increasing, strengthening.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Hospitality - ضِيافَةٌ

Showing hospitality to the guest in the house or a similar place, being kind to him and taking care of his needs.

Translated into: English Indonesian

Concealment - سَتْرٌ

Concealing someone else's defect and not revealing it to people.

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Sale by city-dweller on behalf of desert-dweller - بَيْعُ الحاضِرِ لِلْبادِي

The sale in which a person who lives in a city or village sells goods on behalf of another who lives in the desert, or on behalf of a non-resident, even if he is not a Bedouin.

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Praise - مَدْحٌ

Praising someone by mentioning his good characteristics, whether related to his appearance or intentional conducts.

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Disciplining - تَأْدِيبٌ

Light punishing or disciplining for wrong-doing by those in charge, other than the judge, for the sake of rectification.

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Resolve - حزم

Diligence in doing something and being careful to perform it and not to miss it.

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Generosity/Openhandedness - سَخاءٌ

A moral characteristic that urges the person to spend from his wealth with ease.

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Intercession - شَفاعَةٌ

Interceding for others to bring them benefits or repel harms from them.

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Pardoning - صَفْحٌ

Forgiving the sin along with eliminating ill feelings towards its doer, and refraining from blaming or criticizing him.

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Endearment - توَدُّدٌ

Endearing oneself to someone else seeking his love.

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Kind treatment/Kind companionship - حُسْنُ العِشْرَةِ

Fulfillment of others' rights when dealing with them and refraining from hurting them.

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Willpower/High aspiration - عُلُوُّ الهِمَّةِ

Aspiring to the highest possible form of perfection for oneself and others and rejecting imperfection and inferiority.

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Smiling - تَبَسُّمٌ

A slight and silent laughter.

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To give someone a servant - إخْدامٌ

Giving someone a servant to serve them and look after their affairs.

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Surrendering - اِسْتِئْسارٌ

Surrendering oneself to the enemy to be taken captive.

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Honored person - أَثِيرٌ

A person of dignified status who is favored over others.

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Expansion/Increase - تَبَسُّطٌ

Expansion and increase in spending on food and it's like.

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Keenness/Assiduousness - حِرص

Exerting effort to attain what is beneficial in religious or worldly affairs.

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Overlooking faults - إِغْمَاضٌ

Forgiving someone, overlooking his fault and not exposing it.

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