Calling to Allah - الدَّعوة إلى الله

Guiding to belief in Allah Almighty and what was brought by His messengers, and to believing in what they said and obeying of their commands.

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Prayer imām - إِمامٌ


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Rulers/Those in authority - أُولُو الأَمْرِ


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Guidance - إرْشادٌ

"Irshād": guidance, leading.

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Enjoining the right and forbidding the wrong - احْتِسابٌ

"Hisbah": reward, counting. Original meaning: calculation. Other meanings: denouncing, self-sufficiency, managing, estimating, guessing.

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Advisory council - أهْلُ الشُّورَى


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Reviving the Sunnah - إحْياءُ السُّنَّةِ


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Appointing a successor - اسْتِخْلافٌ

"Istikhlāf": appointing someone as a deputy or successor. It is derived from "khalaf", which means: replacement, substitution.

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Consultation - شُورَى

"Shūra": seeking the opinion of someone; some matter subject to discussion and mutual consultation. It originally comes from "shawr", which means: bringing something out and revealing it.

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Gentleness - رِفْق

"Rifq": gentleness, leniency. Opposite: harshness, severity. Other meanings: ease, facilitation. Original meaning: benefit.

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Brigandage/Highway robbery - قَطْعُ الطَّرِيقِ


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Evil/Wrong - مُنكَرٌ

"Munkar": bad, rejected, denied. It is derived from "inkār", which means ignorance. Other meanings of "inkār": negation, denial, rejection, belying, changing.

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Pledge of allegiance - بَيعَةٌ

"Bay‘ah": pledge of allegiance, going into a contract or an agreement. It is also used to refer to obedience to the ruler.

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Pursuit of divine reward - اِحْتِسَابٌ

"Ihtisāb": considering something. It is derived from "hisāb", which means: counting, enumerating. Other meanings: denial.

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Compassion - شَفَقَةٌ

"Shafaqah": fear from and caution about misfortune, keenness on reform. Original meaning: delicateness. Other meanings: caution, mercy, affection, and grief.

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Forbearance - حِلْم

"Hilm": deliberateness, patience, quietness, self-restraint. Opposite: haste, foolishness.

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Compassion - رَأْفَةٌ

"Ra’fah": extreme mercy, great mercy. Original meaning: compassion, mercy.

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Adherence to mainstream Muslims - لُزُومُ الجَماعَةِ

Adhering to the truth and following it, remaining firm upon mainstream affairs, and not rebelling against the rulers.

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Haste - عَجَلَةٌ

"‘Ajalah": speed, quickness. Opposite: delay, postponement, respite. It is derived from "i‘jāl", which means: hastening.

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Treachery/Disloyalty - غَدرٌ

"Ghadr": breaking a covenant. Opposite: loyalty. Original meaning: abandonment, departure. Other meanings: offense, deceit, betrayal, cessation.

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Violence - عُنْفٌ

"‘Unf": violence, harshness. Opposite: gentleness, ease. It is derived from "i‘tināf", which means: dislike, hardship.

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Advice/Sincerity - نَصِيْحَة

"Nasīhah": guiding to what is good and useful. It is derived from "nus’h", which means: sincerity, purity. Opposite: envy, cheating. Other meanings: truthfulness in speech.

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Guidance - هُدى

"Huda": gently guiding and demonstrating the path to the required destination. Opposite: misguidance.

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Preaching/Admonition - وَعْظٌ

"Wa‘zh": reminding of goodness. Original meaning: intimidation, warning. Other meanings: advising, directing, admonishing.

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Faithfulness/Loyalty - وَفاءٌ

"Wafā’": loyalty, fulfillment of covenant. Opposite: treachery. Original meaning: completeness, perfection.

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Clarification - تَبْيِينٌ

"Tabyīn": revealing, clarifying. Opposite: concealment, hiding. It is derived from "bayn", which means: remoteness, separation.

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Conveying Islam - تَبْليغٌ

"Tablīgh": telling, informing. Opposite: concealment, hiding. It is derived from "bulūgh", which means: reaching something.

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Honoring humankind - تَكْرِيمُ الإنْسانِ


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Community/Nation - أمة

"Ummah": a group, a group of people who were sent a messenger, whether or not they believed in him. Other meanings: a great scholar, law, religion.

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Sweet talk/Lip service - مداراة

"Mudārāh": leniency, gentleness. Original meaning: warding off. Gentleness is called "mudārāh" because one resorts to it to ward off harm.

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Mutual advice - تَوَاصِي

"Tawāsi": mutual advice among people. It is derived from "wasiyyah", which means something established and affirmed. Original meaning of "wasiyyah": connecting something to another. Other meanings: plotting, prohibiting one another, being committed to one another.

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Non-Arabic speaker - أَعْجَمِيٌّ

He who is unable to speak standard Arabic even if he is an Arab.

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Supreme leadership/ Presidency - إِمارَةٌ

The supreme leadership position in a country.

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Entourage - بِطانَةٌ

A man's close companions (his inner circle), whom he confides in and consults regarding his private and general affairs.

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Expropriation/Confiscation - مُصادَرَةٌ

The procedure wherein the ruler confiscates a specific property from its owner by force and turns it into state property without compensation to the owner.

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Clarification - بيان

Clarifying the speech to the listener and revealing its meaning, whether with words or actions.

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Land of war - دار الحرب

Any territory where laws of disbelief prevail and where the Muslims have no power or authority.

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Land of the covenant - دار العهد

A land of disbelief whose people made a truce with Muslims with or without a compensation, depending on the public interest of the Muslims.

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Harshness - شِدَّةٌ

Use of excessive force when dealing with oneself or others.

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Leadership - رِئاسَةٌ

Ruling the Muslims and being in charge of their worldly and religious affairs.

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Establishing testimony - إِقامَةُ الشَّهادَةِ

Testifying the due right of someone over another person based on knowledge and certainty for the sake of Allah, without any diversion, deletion, or addition.

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Exposing flaws - فَضْحٌ

Disclosing the flaws of a person to make him known for them among people.

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Exasperation/Rage - غَيْظٌ

Internal rage that a person feels because of harm inflicted on him by another and his inability to vent that feeling.

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Deliberation - تَأَنِّي

Being lenient and deliberate, while seeking to do something, and not being in haste.

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Imamate/Leadership - إمامة

Full leadership of the commoners and nobles; aims at fulfilling their interests in the matters of their religion and their worldly life.

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People of the opinion - أهل الرأي

Those who are qualified to offer the ruler or those in authority counsel and advice, like the scholars, elders, and others.

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Violating others' rights or authority - افْتِيَاتٌ

Violating others' rights or special authority without their permission.

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War - حَرْبٌ

Fighting an external enemy by using weapons.

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Harshness - جَفَاءٌ

Toughness of the heart, harshness of behavior, and alienation from people.

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Hardness of the Heart - قَسوةٌ

"Qaswah" is harshness and rigidity in the heart that drives a person towards abuse and wrongdoing rather than kindness and goodness.

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Bad example - القُدْوَةُ السَّيِّئَةُ

Anyone who is an example to be followed in evil and mischief.

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Willpower/High aspiration - عُلُوُّ الهِمَّةِ

Aspiring to the highest possible form of perfection for oneself and others and rejecting imperfection and inferiority.

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Allocation - إرْصادٌ

Allocating of a share of money by the ruler from the Muslim Treasury to some of those who deserve it.

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Taking the tenth - تَعْشِيرٌ

Obligating non-Muslims to pay one-tenth of their trade money if they move it from one Muslim country to another.

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Conveying - إِبْلاغٌ

Conveying that which contains clarification and explanation.

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Zakah collector - مُصَدِّقٌ

The employee appointed by the ruler or his deputy to collect due Zakah (obligatory charities) from people.

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Equipping (a soldier) - إغزاء

Equipping a soldier with money, weapons, and the like, and dispatching him to fight the enemy.

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Seeking alms - اسْتِعْطاءٌ

Asking the Imam (Muslim ruler) for alms, whether it consists of money or anything else.

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