Allah - اللهُ

The name of the Divine Essence that encompasses all the attributes of perfection, majesty, and beauty and Who is the only deity worthy of worship, apart from any other entity.

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Intention - نِيَّـةٌ

The determination of the heart to do something seeking to get close to Allah Almighty.

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Bowing - ركوع

Worshiping Allah Almighty by bowing the head and back in a certain manner in prayer.

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Fear of Allah/Piety - تقوى

Placing a barrier between oneself and Allah’s anger and punishment by fulfilling His commands and avoiding His prohibitions.

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Monotheism - توحيد

Singling Allah out in everything exclusive to Him: His Lordship, His divinity (worship), and His names and attributes; and dissociating oneself from polytheism and its people.

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Tawhīd (Oneness of worship/divinity} - توحيد الألوهية

Singling out Allah Almighty with all forms of worship, the apparent and hidden, in terms of statements, deeds, and beliefs; while negating the right of worship from any entity whatsoever other than Him.

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The two testimonies of faith - الشَهادَتانِ

Saying: "Ash-hadu alla ilāha illallāh wa ash-hadu ann Muhammadan ‘abduhu wa rasūluh" (I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship but Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and messenger).

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Allies/Friends of Allah - أولياء

The pious believers who are constantly mindful of Allah Almighty in all of their affairs. Hence, they obey His commands and avoid His prohibitions out of fear of His punishment and wrath, and in pursuit of His pleasure and Paradise.

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Minor polytheism - شرك أصغر

Everything that the Shariah has forbidden which leads to polytheism, and has been called "Shirk" (polytheism) in the texts, and it does not reach the degree of major polytheism.

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Obedience - طاعَةٌ

To do what is commanded and abstain from what is forbidden out of compliance whether in terms of statements, actions, or beliefs.

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Worship - عبادة

A comprehensive name for all that is dear and pleasing to Allah Almighty of words and deeds, the hidden and apparent thereof.

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Natural disposition - فطرة

Islam and monotheism.

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Islam - الإسلام

Surrendering to Allah through monotheism, submitting to Him through obedience, and disowning polytheism and polytheists.

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Islamic law - الشريعة

The clear course in the religion that includes the beliefs, rulings, and ethics.

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Intercession - شَفاعَةٌ

"Shafā‘ah": requesting something on behalf of someone. Other meanings: increasing, joining and partnering with.

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Optimism - تَفاؤُلٌ

"Tafā’ul": deriving hope and joy from good speech. Opposite: pessimism.

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Faith healing/Incantation - رُقْيَةٌ

"Ruqyah": protection, preservation. It is derived from "taraqqi", which means: ascension, elevation. Other meanings: incantation, fortification.

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Oath - قَسَمٌ

"Qasam": swearing, taking an oath. It is derived from "qasāmah", which means: the oaths that are divided and distributed among the blood relatives of the slain person (the practice of clearing a person accused of murder by the oaths of others testifying to his innocence).

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Disavowal/Disassociation from polytheism - براءة من الشرك


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Asking for help - اسْتِغاثَة

"Istighāthah": asking for help and rescue. Original meaning: support at the time of hardship.

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Certitude - يقين

"Yaqīn": firmness, certitude, verification and knowledge that is free from doubt. Opposite: doubt, suspicion. Original meaning: stillness, prominence, permanence, steadiness.

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Attachment to other than Allah - تعلق بغير الله

Inclination of the heart towards something other than Allah in bringing about benefit or warding off harm.

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Describing manner and nature - تكييف

"Takyīf": Describing the manner, form, or condition of something, like its length, width, and size. It is derived from "kayf", which means: manner, form, and essence.

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Statues - تماثيل

"Timthāl" (pl. Tamāthīl): something made to resemble one of the creatures of Allah Almighty that has a soul and a form.

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Humility/Modesty - تواضع

"Tawādu‘": humility, manifestation of submissiveness. Opposite: arrogance, haughtiness. It is derived from "wad‘", which means: putting down and lowering. Other meanings: humbleness, docility, gentleness

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Violation of an oath - حنث

"Hinth": major sin, wrongdoing. Opposite: fulfillment of oath. Other meanings: breaking an oath.

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Awe/Fear - خشية

"Khashyah": fear coupled with knowledge and glorification. It mostly results from knowledge of what is feared. It is derived from "khashy", which means: dried plants.

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Adulation - مُداهَنَةٌ

"Mudāhanah": showing something different from what one conceals.

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Disobedience - مَعْصِيَةٌ

"Ma‘siyah"or "‘isyān": violating and disobeying the commandments. Opposite: obedience.

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Rival - نِدٌّ

"Nidd": counterpart, equal, rival. It refers only to someone at odds with the person he resembles. Original meaning: disunion, alienation.

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Hidden polytheism - شرك خفي

Associating others with Allah in intentions and actions of the heart.

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Attributes of Allah's actions - صِفاتٌ فِعْلِيَّةٌ

Attributes which relate to the will of Allah, the Almighty, and whose instances recur according to His will.

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Servitude - عبودية

"‘Ubūdiyyah": Obedience, closeness. Original meaning: ease, humility. Other meanings: servitude, submission.

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Exaggeration with the righteous - غلو في الصالحين

Transgressing the limits of the Shariah in dealing with people of religiosity and righteousness by raising them above the status set for them by Allah Almighty and placing them in a rank that suits none but Allah. This is represented in seeking their help in adversities, circumambulating their graves, seeking blessings in the dust in which they are buried, and the like.

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Disbelief of denial - كفر الجحود

"Juhūd": denial, rejection. Opposite: acknowledgment. Original meaning: scarcity of anything.

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Hope - رَجاءٌ

"Rajā": hope, aspiring to something. Opposite: despair, hopelessness.

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Fear - خَوْفٌ

"Khawf": fear, panic. Opposite: security. Original meaning: decrease. Other meanings: cowardice, apprehension, awe, horror.

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Supernatural act - كَرامَةٌ

"Karāmah": dignity, honor. It is derived from "karam", which means generosity, abundance. Opposite: stinginess. Other meanings: nobility, grace.

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Excessive praise - إطراء

"Itrā’": excessive praise. It is derived from "tarāwah", which means leniency, newness.

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Turning in repentance - إِنابَةٌ

"Inābah’’: returning to obedience; turning to Allah in repentance.

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The Trinity - تثليث

"Tathlīth": being three in number.

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Beseeching - تَضَرُّعٌ

"Tadarru‘": beseeching, imploring, subservience. It is derived from "dar‘", which means: leniency, weakness.

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Truth - حَقٌّ

"Al-haqq": the truth, the constant. Opposite: falsehood, error. Other meanings: what is due, necessary, certain.

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Dread - رَهْبَةٌ

"Rahbah": dread, fear. It is derived from "tarhīb", which means intimidation.

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Utmost truthfulness - صديقية

"Siddīqiyyah": constant, utmost truthfulness. It is derived from "siddīq", which means a person who always tells the truth and adheres to it and whose words match his deeds. Opposite of truthfulness: falsehood.

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Disbelief out of defiance and arrogance - كُفْرُ الإباءِ والاسْتِكْبارِ


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Means/Seeking means - وسيلة

"Wasīlah": the means getting one closer to someone else. It is derived from "tawassul", which means desire, pursuit. Other meanings: cause, path to something.

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Celibacy - تبتل

Abstaining from women by refraining from marriage and focusing on worship.

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Inclination to monotheism/Devout religiousness - حَنَفٌ

Turning to Allah the Almighty and turning away from anything other than Him by turning from polytheism towards monotheism, and from misguidance towards uprightness.

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Absolute submission - إخبات

Surrendering and submitting to Allah, the Almighty, by accepting His Shariah as well as universal orders with a fully contented heart.

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Idols/Punishment - رِجْزٌ

Anything that is worshiped other than Allah.

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Closeness - زُلْفَى

Closeness to Allah by performing His commandments, avoiding His prohibitions, seeking His pleasure, and aid in fulfilling one's needs.

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Seeking help - اسْتِنْجَادٌ

Requesting aid from someone else in times of dire need.

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Realization - المَعْرِفَةٌ

Abstract perception that entails no ruling.

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Revelation-based knowledge - سَمْعِيّاتٌ

Everything that is established by the Shari`ah texts, such as Paradise, Hell, and events taking place on the Day of Resurrection.

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Polytheism of supplication - شِرْكٌ في الدَّعْوَةِ

Invoking other than Allah, the Almighty, to do such things that only Allah, the Exalted, can do, like removing distress or bringing benefits.

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Polytheism in intention and will - شرك النية والإرادة

When a person performs an act of worship not for the sake of Allah, the Almighty; instead, with this act of worship, they intend, completely or partially, to achieve a wordy gain, show off, or the like.

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Attributes proved by textual and rational proofs. - الصِفاتُ السَمْعِيَّةٌ العَقْلِيَّةٌ

Attributes of Allah, Exalted, proved by both textual (Shar`iee) and rational proofs.

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Passion/Excessive love - عِشْقٌ

Excessive love along with desire.

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Good omen - فأل

Expecting goodness and hoping for it.

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Seeking Help - اسْتِعانَةٌ

Seeking support and help from another in fighting the enemy.

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Divination arrows - قِداحٌ

The rods of arrows without feathers and blades.

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Vague terms - ألفاظ مجملة

Terms that could indicate both correct and incorrect meanings in such a way that its meaning cannot be perceived except after scrutinizing and inquiry.

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Dye - صِبغة

The religion of Allah Almighty, which he chose for His slaves, and the natural disposition with which He created humans.

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A form of divination - طَرْقٌ

Foretelling the unseen by drawing a line on the ground, casting pebbles, etc.

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Enmity/Hostility - مُعاداةٌ

Showing enmity by word or action to Allah's enemies, disassociating oneself from them and keeping away from them inwardly and outwardly.

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Two Opposites/Contraries - ضِدّانِ

Two things that cannot exist together at the same time, but both can be non-existent at the same time.

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Belittlement - تهاون

Negligence and belittlement of religion, while being careless about it and about fulfilling its rights.

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In agreement/Concordant - متواطئ

A word whose form and meaning are concordant

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Essence - ماهِيَّةٌ

It is the answer to the question "what is it?", which helps one visualize something.

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Specific union - الاتِّحادُ الخاصُّ

Believing that Allah the Almighty has united with some creatures apart from others.

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Interrogative - اسْتِفْهامٌ

Asking a question to form a conception of something or to confirm it.

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Anthropomorphism - تَشْبِيه

Believing that the Creator is similar to the creature in His attributes or that the creature is like the Creator.

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Occurrence - حادث

Something becoming existent after being non-existent.

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Working cattle - عَوامِل

Cattle used for work, like plowing and the like.

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A nocturnal bird - هامة

A small nocturnal bird.

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