Usury - رِبا

A stipulated increase with no exchange for credit in return for delaying the settlement of a due debt. It is also an increase or a delay in cash on selling things of a specified type on the spot.

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Mutual consent - تَراضٍ

"Tarādi": mutual agreement between two parties. It is derived from "rida", which means: the willingness to say or do something and feeling comfortable with it.

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Wealth/Money - أَمْوالٌ

"Amwāl" (sing. māl): everything that can be possessed by humans.

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Permission - إذْنٌ

"Idhn": permission. Original meaning: to lift prohibition, to permit. Other meanings: proclamation, from which comes the word "Adhān" (the call to prayer).

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Interdiction - حَجْرٌ

"Hajr": preventing, banning. Other meanings: narrowing, limiting. As derived from this, the mind is called "hijr", because it prevents one from doing reprehensible things.

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Down payment - عَرْبُونٌ

"‘Arbūn": down payment; when someone buys something and gives the seller a down payment in advance. It is derived from "i‘rāb", which means: clarifying and manifesting.

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Benefit - مَنفَعَةٌ

"Manfa‘ah": benefit. Opposite: harm. Original meaning: goodness, anything used to attain a goal. Other meanings: interest, fruit.

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Transfer of ownership - تَمْليكٌ

"Tamlīk": transferring the ownership of something to someone else. Other meanings: to give in marriage.

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Buying on credit and selling for cash - تَوَرُّقٌ

"Tawarruq": asking for papers, eating papers. It is derived from "wariq", which means silver dirhams.

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Contract - عَقْدٌ

"‘Aqd": fastening, tying. Opposite: loosening. Original meaning: connecting two ends together. Other meanings: adherence, documentation, covenant, confirmation.

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Seizing/Taking into possession - قَبْضٌ

"Qabd": taking something in one’s full grip. Original meaning: accumulating and assembling. Other meanings: ability, seizing.

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Acceptance - قَبُولٌ

"Qabūl": receiving something and taking it with contentment. It also means: acceptance.

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Orphan - يَتِيمٌ

"Yatīm": a child with no father. It is derived from "yutm", which originally means: singleness

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Unauthorized agent - فُضُولِيٌّ

"Fudūli": a person who involves himself in matters that do not concern him. It is derived from "fudūl", which means excess, surplus.

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Compensation - عِوَضٌ

"‘Iwad": compensation, recompense, replacing.

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Competence/Eligibility - أهْلِيَّةٌ

A person’s eligibility to acquire rights, perform duties, and dispose of affairs.

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Sending/Letting hands loose - إِرْسالٌ

To loosen one's both hands down straight in prayer while standing, and not to clasp them (right hand on the left).

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Price - سِعْرٌ

What the seller demands in exchange for his merchandise.

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Buying/Purchasing - شِراءٌ

Paying the price in exchange for receiving the merchandise in a sale transaction.

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Pile/Heap - صُبْرَةٌ

A pile or heap of something without a known weight or measurement.

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Selling what is not fully possessed - بَيْعُ ما لَـمْ يُقْبَضْ

Selling something before having full possession of it and authority to dispose of it.

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Deceit/Fraudulence (in a sale transaction) - تَغْرِيرٌ

Exposing oneself or someone else to deceit, risk, or destruction.

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Deposit - وَدِيعَةٌ

Wealth left with someone in order to keep it without paying a fee.

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Yearling calf - تَبِيعٌ - تَبِيعَةٌ

A calf that has completed its first year of age and started its second year.

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Action with legal consequences - تَصَرُّفٌ

Whatever a person does willingly and leads to a consequence under the Shariah, whether this consequence is for the benefit of the doer or not.

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Bindingness - لُزُومٌ

Persistence and effectiveness of a contract and impossibility of annulling it except with a legitimate reason.

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Pending contract - عَقْدٌ مَوْقُوفٌ

A lawful contract whose execution and approval was suspended due to a pending right of another party to it.

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Contract session/meeting - مَجْلِسُ العَقْدِ

The meeting place to conduct a sale contract.

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Trust-based sale - بَيْعُ الاسْتِنامَةِ

Buying or selling based on the honesty of the buyer or seller.

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Sale at the price of purchase - بَيْعُ التَّوْلِيَةِ

Buying a commodity at a certain price and then selling it at the same price, without profit or loss.

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Sale with exception/Return sale - بَيْعُ الثُّنْيَا

Sale with the condition that whenever the seller pays back the money, the buyer must return the purchased item.

Translated into: English Urdu

Sale to the unaware of the price - بَيْعُ المُسْتَرسِلِ

Sale involving a person who is ignorant of the value of the commodity and cannot haggle over the price.

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Ignorance - جَهالَةٌ

Lack of knowledge about the sale item, its price, or the like.

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Overburdening - إعنات

To charge with burdensome tasks beyond one's power and capability.

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Retrieving one's right - اِقْتِضَاءٌ

Retrieving one’s right from the other.

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Feces/Excrement - عَذِرَةٌ

Waste matter discharged from the bowels.

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Weight (for weighing scale). - صَنْجَةٌ

A piece of metal or stone, different in weight, put on one side of the scale to weigh things with.

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Sample/Model - أُنْمُوذَجٌ

A model that shows the description and essence of something.

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Regaining/Reclaiming - اسْتِرْدادٌ

Taking something back after it had been transferred to someone else.

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Raw silk - إِبْرَيْسَمٌ

Silk that is disentangled before the worm leaves the cocoon.

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Assessment - تَقَوُّمٌ

Being a property that is lawful to benefit from according to the Shariah.

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Non-fungible goods - قِيمِيَّاتٌ

The commodities that have no equivalents on the market, or have equivalents that are valued disproportionately, such as animals, real estate, etc.

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Receiving - تَسَلُّمٌ

Receiving something and taking it such that it becomes at the taker's disposal.

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Monetary value - مالِيَّةٌ

The description given to an item to denote that it has monetary value and can be utilized in a lawful manner approved by the Shariah.

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Taking - أَخْذٌ

Acquiring something and taking possession of it.

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Condiment for bread - إِدامٌ

Anything that is usually eaten with bread, whether it is liquid or solid.

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Boundaries - أُرَفٌ

Boundaries and signs that separate lands, houses, etc.

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Shares - أَشقاصٌ

The share in a joint property of everything, be it little or much.

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Wording - صِيغَةٌ

Terms and phrases that indicate the will of the speaker and the kind of action he is performing, like a sale transaction and the like.

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Possessor by seizure - داخل

A person who acts freely, like an owner, concerning a certain property.

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