Seeking forgiveness - اسْتِغْفارٌ

Asking Allah Almighty to pardon one’s sins and to protect him from their consequences.

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Piety/Religious prudence - وَرَعٌ

"Wara‘": refraining, holding back, prevention, avoidance of sin.

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Test/Trial/Affliction - اِبْتِلاءٌ

"Ibtilā": test, trial. It is derived from "balā’", which means: assigning a hard task. "Ibtilā’" applies to both ease and difficulty; however, it is mostly used to refer to adversity and affliction.

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Maintaining chastity - إِعْفافٌ

"I‘fāf": anything that achieves chastity and refraining from what is objectionable. Original meaning: purification and freedom from something. Other meanings: immunizing, reducing.

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Awe/Fear - خشية

"Khashyah": fear coupled with knowledge and glorification. It mostly results from knowledge of what is feared. It is derived from "khashy", which means: dried plants.

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Trials/Tests - فتن

“Fitan” (sing. fitnah): trials, tests, tribulations. It is derived from “fatn”, which means: burning.

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Pursuit of divine reward - اِحْتِسَابٌ

"Ihtisāb": considering something. It is derived from "hisāb", which means: counting, enumerating. Other meanings: denial.

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Eating Lawful Things - أَكْلُ الطَّيِّباتِ

Nourishment from food that is certainly lawful and earned by lawful means without wasting nor using it in sinful ways.

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Submissiveness/Humility - خُشوعٌ

Submission of the heart and its fear of Allah out of love and glorification, along with being submissive to the truth outwardly and inwardly.

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Asceticism - زُهْدٌ

"Zuhd": dismissing the inclination to something. Opposite: indulgence. It is derived from "zahd", which means: a small amount of something. Other meanings: turning away from something, reducing something and taking a small amount thereof.

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Munificence/Tolerance - سَماحَةٌ

"Samāhah": generosity, giving. Original meaning: leniency, gentleness, compliance. Other meanings: tolerance, pardon.

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Kindness/Compassion - عَطْفٌ

"‘Atf": kindness, compassion, tenderness. Original meaning: leaning, reclining.

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Determination/Resolve - عزيمة

"Azm": determination to do something. Original meaning: cutting. Other meanings: patience, strength, emphasis, earnestness, duty.

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Generosity - كَرَمٌ

"Karam": generosity, honor, abundance. Opposite: stinginess, maliciousness.

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Contentment - قَنَاعَة

"Qanā‘ah": contentment, satisfaction. Other meanings: concealment, acceptance, submission.

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Righteousness/Goodness - بِرٌّ

"Birr": obedience, benevolence. Opposite: undutifulness, abuse. Original meaning: truthfulness.

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Cooperation - تَعاوُنٌ

"Ta‘āwun": cooperation, people assisting one another. It is derived from "‘awn", which means: help, support. “Isti‘ānah”: seeking help from others.

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Contemplation/Reflection - تَفَكُّـرٌ

"Tafakkur": reflecting, contemplating. Original meaning: hesitation of the mind regarding something.

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Honoring sacred ordinances - تَعْظِيمُ الحُرُماتِ


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Moderation - تَوسُّطٌ

"Tawassut": being straight and level. Original meaning: uprightness, moderateness. Other meanings: choosing what is best.

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Honoring humankind - تَكْرِيمُ الإنْسانِ


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Self-reckoning/Self-accounting - مُحاسَبَةُ النَّفْسِ


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Striving against oneself - مُجاهَدَةُ النَّفْسِ


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Means/Seeking means - وسيلة

"Wasīlah": the means getting one closer to someone else. It is derived from "tawassul", which means desire, pursuit. Other meanings: cause, path to something.

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Offense - إِساءَةٌ

Saying or doing what is disgraceful and deserving of criticism.

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Goodness - خير

A comprehensive word that refers to all acts of righteousness and obedience, including the beliefs, deeds, and statements.

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Caution - حذر

Keeping careful watch for possible danger, whether that danger is certain or not.

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Generosity/Openhandedness - سَخاءٌ

A moral characteristic that urges the person to spend from his wealth with ease.

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Pardoning - صَفْحٌ

Forgiving the sin along with eliminating ill feelings towards its doer, and refraining from blaming or criticizing him.

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Soul - نَفْسٌ

The spirit that is breathed into the body, governs it, and leaves it at death.

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Alertness/Awakening - يَقَظَةٌ

It is the state of the heart when it becomes awake from its heedlessness, and gets ready for meeting its Lord by being determined to perform acts of obedience and overcome all impediments and obstacles.

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Overburdening oneself/Artificiality - تَكَلُّـفٌ

Engaging in words, deeds, or beliefs which are neither obligatory nor recommended.

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Guarding the private parts. - حِفظُ الفَرْجِ

To keep away from fornication and what is related to it or leads to it.

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Moderation - اقتصاد

Approaching something moderately and gently in a way that makes it possible for one to practice it constantly.

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Looking forward/Anticipation - اسْتِشْرافٌ

Looking at something with the intention of selecting it.

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Seeking/Aspiring - اِبْتِغاءٌ

Diligence in seeking to reach something.

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Monstrous - إِدٌّ

A matter that is atrocious, abominable, and shocking.

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Protection - وِقايَةٌ

Protecting and guarding oneself from harmful things by doing acts of worship and avoiding the prohibitions.

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Contemplation - تَأَمُّلٌ

Looking thoughtfully at something for a long time with the purpose of remembering and understanding it.

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Willpower - قُوَّةُ الإرادَةِ

Resolution to bring about good or ward off evil while utilizing the available means and relying on Allah sincerely.

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Conduct/Way - هدي

The manner one adopts in his words, actions, and beliefs.

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Fleeing to Allah - الفرار إلى الله

Fleeing from what Allah dislikes outwardly and inwardly to what He likes outwardly and inwardly so as to be saved from punishment and earn divine reward.

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