Option to rescind - خِيارٌ

"Khiyār": pursuit of the best among things. Original meaning: inclining to something. It is derived from "ikhtiyār", which means: selecting, choosing.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Defect - عَيْبٌ

"Ayb": defect, ugliness, anything contradicting sound Fitrah.

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Mutual receipt - تَقابُضٌ

"Taqābud": exchanging two things between two people, as happens when each of the trading parties receives what is given by the other.

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Choice related to the transaction place - خِيارُ المَجْلِسِ


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Cheating - غِشٌّ

"Ghishsh": showing something and concealing the opposite. Opposite: sincerity. It is derived from "ghashash", which means: muddied, unclear water.

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Overpricing - غَبْنٌ

"Ghabn": deception in buying and selling.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Annulment/Revocation - فَسْخٌ

"Faskh": removing, lifting, annulling, invalidating.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Turning away - إِعْرَاضٌ

"I‘rād": aversion, turning away, rejection. Opposite: proceeding toward something, obedience. It is derived from "‘ard", which means: appearance and prominence, or width. Other meanings: leaving out the work, going away, refusal, neglecting.

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Rescinding - إِقالَةٌ

"Iqālah": annulment, removal. Original meaning: removing harm. It is also said to be derived from "qawl", which means statement - or from "qaylūlah", which means a midday nap. Other meanings: dropping, interruption, abrogation, invalidation, abandonment, replacement.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian Russian

Lust - شَهْوَةٌ

One's desire to have sexual intercourse.

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Compensation - أَرْشٌ

A sum of money refunded to the buyer to compensate him for a flaw in the product.

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Ending an assembly - تَفَرُّقٌ

Ending an assembly and leaving each participant his own way.

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Appraisal/Estimation - تَقْوِيمٌ

Specifying a price for something based on its lawful benefits.

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Contract annulment choice - خِيارُ التَّصْرِيَةِ

Buyer’s right to cancel or continue the sale contract of an animal if the seller deceived him by falsely showing that the animal produces a large amount of milk.

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Commodity's sighting choice - خِيارُ الرُّؤْيَةِ

Establishing the right of the buyer to proceed with the contract or cancel it when he sees the purchased commodity if he had not seen it at the time of making the contract or before it.

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Option due to defect - خِيارُ العَيْبِ

The right of either one of two contracting parties to annul a contract or conclude it if he finds a defect in the commodity or the price.

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Sale at the price of purchase - بَيْعُ التَّوْلِيَةِ

Buying a commodity at a certain price and then selling it at the same price, without profit or loss.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Russian

Repurchase-option sale - بَيْعُ الوَفاءِ

Sale with the condition that whenever the seller refunds the purchase price, the buyer shall return the sold item.

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Good quality/Quality - جَوْدَةٌ

A high level of quality and value that something reaches because it is made with precision or the like.

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Destruction - بوار

It is the destruction of the disbelievers in Hellfire on the Day of Judgment.

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Nyctalopic - أَعْشَى

A person who is unable to see during nighttime but can see during daytime.

Translated into: English Urdu Russian

Desire - رَغْبَة

Wanting something, while being keen on getting it and longing to have it.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Falsification - تَزْوِيرٌ

Modifying something and making it appear contrary to its reality.

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Someone with extending buttocks - أَبْزى

A person whose chest extends forward and whose belly and back curve inwards.

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Combination/Union - اتِّحَادٌ

Agreement of two things or more and their sharing the same description, place, type, or etc.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian

Day-blind - أَجْهَر

The one who cannot see in sunlight.

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Defect free/Disclaim/Disown - تَبَرُّؤٌ

It is when the seller shows his merchandise to the buyer to be free of defects.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Drool - لُعابٌ

The saliva that drips from one's mouth.

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Concealment - كِتْمانٌ

Hiding something and avoiding to talk about it.

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Narrow-eyed - أَخْوَصُ

A man whose eye is sunken into his head because of its narrowness (smallness).

Translated into: English French Russian

One with different colored eyes - أَخْيَف

A person who has one black eye and one blue eye.

Translated into: English French Urdu Indonesian Russian

Eloquent - أَشْدَقُ

Someone with wide mouth corners.

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Bent-legged - أَصْدَفُ

Animal whose thighs are very close to each other while its hooves are very distant from each other and its carpi are curved.

Translated into: English Russian

Warranty/Guarantee - عُهْدَةٌ

When the seller takes responsibility for any flaw in the merchandise while it is in the possession of the buyer for a specific period of time (warranty).

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