Polytheism - شِرْكٌ

Setting up equals to Allah Almighty from among the created beings in matters that are exclusive to Him.

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Magic/Sorcery - سحر

Amulets, knots, and talismans that magicians use with the devils to cause harm to someone in his body, mind, will, or the like.

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Minor polytheism - شرك أصغر

Everything that the Shariah has forbidden which leads to polytheism, and has been called "Shirk" (polytheism) in the texts, and it does not reach the degree of major polytheism.

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Ostentation/Show off - رياء

Performing an act of worship for something other than the sake of Allah Almighty, such as doing it in order to be seen and praised by people.

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Polytheism in love - الشِّرْكُ في المَحَبَّةِ

Devoting love, which entails glorification, submission, and obedience to other than Allah Almighty.

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Polytheism in obedience - الشِّرْكُ في الطَّاعَةِ

Obeying other than Allah Almighty in changing the rulings of Shariah and turning the lawful into unlawful and vice versa.

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Idolater - وَثَنِيٌّ

"Wathani": idolater, idol worshiper, pagan. "Wathaniyyah": worship of idols and stones. it is derived from "wathan", which means: an idol or stone that is worshiped. "Wathan" is derived from "wathn", which means: steadiness. "Wathn" also means: power, plenty.

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Asking for help - اسْتِغاثَة

"Istighāthah": asking for help and rescue. Original meaning: support at the time of hardship.

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Attachment to other than Allah - تعلق بغير الله

Inclination of the heart towards something other than Allah in bringing about benefit or warding off harm.

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Amulets - تميمة

"Tamīmah" (pl. Tamā’im): a string or beads that the Arabs used to hang on their children, claiming that they protect them from the evil eye, as if intending that they are the perfect remedy and the desired cure. It is derived from "tamām", which means: perfection.

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Statues - تماثيل

"Timthāl" (pl. Tamāthīl): something made to resemble one of the creatures of Allah Almighty that has a soul and a form.

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Astrology - تَنْجِيمٌ

"Tanjīm": astrology, looking at the stars. It indicates rise and appearance.

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Idols - أصنام

"Asnām" (sing. sanam): a statue that is carved from wood, silver, or brass and is worshiped. It also means an image that is worshiped. Original meaning: wicked and foul.

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Minor hypocrisy - نفاق أصغر

Nonconformity between what one reveals and what he conceals when it comes to duties by revealing obedience and concealing disobedience.

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Rival - نِدٌّ

"Nidd": counterpart, equal, rival. It refers only to someone at odds with the person he resembles. Original meaning: disunion, alienation.

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Hidden polytheism - شرك خفي

Associating others with Allah in intentions and actions of the heart.

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Belief in bad omens - طِيرَةٌ

"Tiyarah": pessimism. It is derived from "tayr", which means: bird, like the crow.

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Disbelief of denial - كفر الجحود

"Juhūd": denial, rejection. Opposite: acknowledgment. Original meaning: scarcity of anything.

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Divination - كهانة

"Kahānah": the claim to have knowledge of the hidden and concealed matters. It is derived from "takahhun", which means: fabrication, conjecture, speculation, lying.

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Deviation from divine signs - الإلحاد في آيات الله


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The Trinity - تثليث

"Tathlīth": being three in number.

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Means to polytheism - ذرائع الشرك


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Polytheism in the Oneness of Lordship - شرك في توحيد الربوبية


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Idol - وثن

"Wathan": idol, a stone that is worshiped. It is derived from "wathn", which means permanence, stillness. Other meanings: statue, cross.

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Idols - أنصاب

"Ansāb" (sing. nasb, nusub): idols, anything worshiped apart from Allah Almighty. It is also said to refer to the stones erected around the Ka‘bah to which people used to devote worship and sacrificial animals.

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Love amulet/charm - تولة

A type of magic that is made to endear the woman to her husband and the man to his wife.

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Inclination to monotheism/Devout religiousness - حَنَفٌ

Turning to Allah the Almighty and turning away from anything other than Him by turning from polytheism towards monotheism, and from misguidance towards uprightness.

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Star - نجم

Refers to any celestial body.

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Closeness - زُلْفَى

Closeness to Allah by performing His commandments, avoiding His prohibitions, seeking His pleasure, and aid in fulfilling one's needs.

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An Equal - نَظِيرٌ

Any creation of Allah that is claimed to be equivalent to Him in His rights of lordship, worship, and names and attributes.

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Love magic - عطف

A type of magic claimed to endear the husband to his wife and the wife to her husband.

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Taking omens from birds - عِيافَةٌ

Claiming knowledge of the unseen by observing movements of the birds, their sounds and the like.

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Intent - قصد

Decisive will.

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Denial - إِنْكارٌ

Denial of something by one's heart and tongue and rejection to believe in the truth or admit it.

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Polytheism of supplication - شِرْكٌ في الدَّعْوَةِ

Invoking other than Allah, the Almighty, to do such things that only Allah, the Exalted, can do, like removing distress or bringing benefits.

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Polytheism in intention and will - شرك النية والإرادة

When a person performs an act of worship not for the sake of Allah, the Almighty; instead, with this act of worship, they intend, completely or partially, to achieve a wordy gain, show off, or the like.

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A form of divination - طَرْقٌ

Foretelling the unseen by drawing a line on the ground, casting pebbles, etc.

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Belittlement - تهاون

Negligence and belittlement of religion, while being careless about it and about fulfilling its rights.

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