Connection/Link - اتِّصالُ الصُّفوف

"Ittisāl": the state of being connected and linked together. Original meaning: association, gathering. Opposite: disconnection, separation.

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Chain of transmission - إسْنادٌ

"Isnād": lifting something. It is derived from "sanad", which means a high place. "sunūd": attaching something to another. Other meanings: strengthening, assisting, conveying, protection.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Hadīth authentication - تخْرِيجٌ

"Takhrīj": revealing, making prominent. It is derived from "khurūj", which originally means: leaving. Other meanings: interpretation, clarification.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Hadīth - حَدِيث

"Hadīth": spoken speech, something new. It is derived from "hadāthah", which means modernity. Opposite: old.

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Agreed upon - مُتَّفَقٌ عَلَيْهِ

A Hadith that is narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim, who converge on the text and the Companion-narrator.

Translated into: English Bosnian

Content of Hadīth - مَتْنٌ

"Matn": everything that becomes apparent. It is derived from "matānah", which means hardness. Other meanings: word, origin, stay.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Authentication - تَصْحِيحُ

When a Hadith scholar judges a Hadith to be authentic for fulfilling the conditions of authenticity according to his personal reasoning.

Translated into: English

One living before and after Islam without seeing the Prophet - مُخَضْرَمٌ

Whoever lived before and after the coming of Islam and became a Muslim but did not see the Prophet, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him.

Translated into: English Russian

Marfou‘/Hadith attributed to the Prophet, may Allah"s peace and blessings be upon him - حديثٌ مَرْفُوعٌ

Any saying, deed, implicit approval, state, or attribute that is ascribed to the Prophet, may Allah"s peace and blessings be upon him.

Translated into: English Russian

Inconsistent/Unsettled Hadith - حديثٌ مُضْطَرِبٌ

A Hadith with different, yet equally strong, narrations, so these narrations cannot be reconciled or weighed against each other.

Translated into: English Russian

Hadith with two consecutive dropped narrators - حديثٌ مُعضَلٌ

A Hadith that has two or more successive narrators dropped form its chain of narrators.

Translated into: English

Memorized/Well-secured - حديثٌ مَحْفوظٌ

A Hadith that is narrated by a trustworthier narrator in contradiction to a narrator who is less trustworthy.

Translated into: English

Young Followers/Young Successors - صِغارُ التَّابِعِينَ

Narrator who did not live during the Prophet's lifetime and narrated from the young Companions.

Translated into: English Russian

Indirectly Elevated Hadith - المَرْفُوعُ حُكْماً

A Companion's statement or deed that evidence leads to the presumption that it originated from the Prophet, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him, by way of inference.

Translated into: English Russian

Reported news - خبر

A piece of news liable to be either true or false.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian Russian

Authentic as per the conditions of Al-Bukhari and Muslim - صَحِيحٌ على شَرْطِهِما

Judging that the narrators of a certain Hadith are the narrators accredited by Al-Bukhari and Muslim.

Translated into: English Russian