Tenth of Muharram - عاشُوراءُ

The tenth day of the month of Muharram.

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Dowry - صَداقٌ

"Sadāq": dowry given to the woman. It is derived from "sidq", which means: strength, durability. The dowry is also known as "farīdah", "mahr", "ajr", etc.

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Family - أَهْلٌ

"Ahl": family, close relatives. It also refers to a person’s followers and companions. A man’s "ahl" is his wife and close family members.

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Family - أُسْرَةٌ

"Usrah": family, close relatives. It is derived from "asara" and "asr", which originally means strength.

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Child custody - حَضَانَةُ

"Hadānah": protecting something and maintaining it. Original meaning: taking something into one’s "hidn", i.e. under the arm. "Hādinah": female protector.

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Extravagance/Wastefulness - تَبْذِيرٌ

"Tabdhīr": dispersing, scattering. It is derived from "badhr", which means: scattering seeds in the soil. Other meanings: spreading, excessiveness.

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Guardianship - قِوَامَةٌ

"Qiwāmah": guardianship, being in charge of preserving wealth, and the like. It is derived from "qiwām", which means basis and pillar of something, and from "qiyām", which means standing erect. Other meanings: rectification, responsibility, care.

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Caretaker - كافِلٌ

"Kāfil": guarantor, caretaker.

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Custom - عُرْفٌ

"‘Urf": a term that collectively refers to all the things that a given society knows and recognizes as good. Original meaning: what is "ma‘rūf", i.e. known and recognized, of good and benevolent deeds. Other meanings: what is common and known among people.

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Equal share of co-wives - القَسْمُ بين الزَّوْجاتِ


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Relatives - أقارِب

Aqārib": one’s family, relatives, and kindred.

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Orphan - يَتِيمٌ

"Yatīm": a child with no father. It is derived from "yutm", which originally means: singleness

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Kinship - قَرابَةٌ

Blood relationship that connects man with others.

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Marital home - بَيْتُ الزَّوْجِيَّةِ

The place where the wife resides with her husband by virtue of a marriage contract.

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Dependents - عِيَالٌ

A man's dependents.

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Illegitimate child/Bastard - وَلَدُ الزِّنَا

A child born through unlawful sexual intercourse.

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Grandson - سِبْطٌ

One's grandson from his son or his daughter down to all levels.

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Armor - دِرْعٌ

What a warrior wears to protect his body from the enemy’s weapons.

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Weaning - فِطامٌ

Weaning a child by cutting him off breastfeeding.

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Spinsterhood - عُنُوسٌ

A woman's extended stay in her family home after reaching the age of marriage or maturity without getting married.

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Providing accommodation - تَبْوِئَةٌ

The decision of the owner of a slave-woman to let her reside with her husband and not use her services.

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Acquisition - اكْتِسابٌ

Seeking sustenance/livelihood by lawful means.

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Wife's household items - شَوْرَةٌ

Everything that the wife possesses in her marital house.

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Laborer/Wage earner - أَجِيرٌ

A person who works for another in return for a wage.

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To give someone a servant - إخْدامٌ

Giving someone a servant to serve them and look after their affairs.

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Idleness/Unemployment - بَطالَةٌ

Idleness, unemployment, and abstaining from striving to work.

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Being part of a whole - بَعْضِيَّةٌ

The established relationship of the descendants to their parents and grandparents by reproduction, such as the sons to the fathers and the like.

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Dwelling/House - بَيْتٌ

Any dwelling place that has walls and a ceiling.

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Blocked vagina - رَتَقٌ

A women's vagina being blocked, impeding having sex her.

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Amount - قَدْرٌ

Measuring and appraising something, whether in weight, measurement, number, or the like.

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Condiment for bread - إِدامٌ

Anything that is usually eaten with bread, whether it is liquid or solid.

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