Islamic inheritance law - فَرائِضُ

A branch of knowledge which states who is eligible to inherit from the deceased and who is not, and the exact share of each heir.

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Estate/Legacy - تَرِكَةٌ

All types of properties or rights that a person leaves behind after his death.

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Killing - قَتْلٌ

"Qatl": killing, causing to die, taking the life of someone.

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Inheritance - إِرْثٌ

"Irth": property left by a deceased person. Original meaning: transfer of something from a group of people to another.

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Inheritance distribution - تَقْسِيمٌ


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Womb/Kinship - رَحِمٌ

"Rahim": womb, kinship, relationship.

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Mortgage - رَهْنٌ

"Rahn": constancy, permanence, withholding, sticking to something.

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Clan - عَشِيرَةٌ

"‘Ashīrah": one’s closest relatives. Other meanings: a group of one's relatives. It is derived from "mu‘āsharah", which means: mixing, merging, socializing.

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Lineage - نَسَبٌ

A relationship between two persons through a close or distant birth.

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Intersex/Bisexual - خُنْثَى

A person born with both male and female sexual organs or neither of the two.

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The Treasury - بَيْتُ الـمالِ

The authority that possesses the public funds of the Muslims.

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Assigning shares - إِسْهامٌ

Giving a specific share of the spoils of war to a specific person.

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Miscarried Fetus - سِقْطٌ

A dead fetus that falls out of its mother"s womb after its human shape has become visible.

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Kinship - قَرابَةٌ

Blood relationship that connects man with others.

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Filiation - بُنُوَّةٌ

The kinship relation from the side of the son or daughter and their offspring.

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Blood relatives - أُولُو الأرْحامِ

In the context of inheritance, "ulu al-arhām" means distant blood relatives; i.e. every male or female relative who does not inherit a share from the estate of the deceased, neither an allotted share ("fard") nor a remaining share after the distribution of the allotted shares ("ta‘seeb").

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Missing/Lost - مَفْقُودٌ

A person who is missing while there is no news about him or his location, and it is unknown whether he is alive or dead.

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Grandson - سِبْطٌ

One's grandson from his son or his daughter down to all levels.

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Embryo/Pregnancy - حَمْلٌ

The embryo inside the female's womb.

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Childless and parentless - كَلالَةٌ

The one who dies leaving neither children nor parents.

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Drawing lots - استهام

A Shariah-approved method whereby a person’s share or lot is determined when a dispute occurs while there is no determining factor to choose a candidate over another.

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Male ancestors - آباءٌ

Father and forefathers to whom one's lineage is related.

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Sister - أُخْتٌ

A female sibling born of one's parents or either of them.

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Paternity Claim - اسْتِلْحاقٌ

A man's claim that he is the father of a person whose lineage is unknown.

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A complicated inheritance issue - الدِّينارِيَّةُ الكُبْرَى

A title used for an issue related to the science of inheritance which includes: the wife, the mother, two daughters, twelve brothers, and a sister or a paternal sister

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The Mother of Widows (inheritance case) - أُمُّ الأَرامِلِ

An inheritance-related case wherein the heirs were seventeen females: three wives, two grandmothers, four half-sisters from the same mother, and either eight full sisters or eight half-sisters from the same father.

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Connection - إِدْلاءٌ

The connection with the deceased through blood relation.

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A specific case of inheritance where total shares become 27 instead of 24 - بَخِيلَةٌ

A specific case of division of inheritance where the total shares become 27 instead of 24.

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The mother of chicks (an inheritance case) - أُمُّ الفُرُوخِ

The designation of an inheritance case comprising a husband, a mother, two full sisters or paternal sisters, and two or more maternal siblings.

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Adjusting fractions in inheritance - تَصْحِيحٌ

Adjusting the fractions when the shares of inheritance are not fully divisible between the number of heirs.

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Daughter - بِنْتٌ

The female who is related to one by birth. She could be one's grand-daughter down to all levels.

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Transfer of inheritance - تَناسُخٌ

The transfer of the share of an heir to his own heirs by his death before the estate of the first deceased is divided.

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Sound/Voice - صَوْتٌ

Anything that is heard with the ear.

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The son"s daughter - بِنْتُ الِابْنِ

"Any granddaughter who is related to the deceased person through his son, no matter how many generations are between her father and the deceased. This includes the daughter of the deceased"s son, and the daughter of the deceased"s grandson, and so on, no matter how many generations are between the grandson and the deceased.

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Son - ابنٌ

A male offspring born through lineage/blood relationship.

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Grandfather - جَدٌّ

The father's father or the mother's father, up to all levels in lineage.

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Paternal aunt - عَمَّةٌ

A woman who shares one's father's origin.

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Child/Offspring - وَلَدٌ

A child, whether male or female, young or old.

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Grandson - حَفِيدٌ

The son of one's son or daughter.

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A stranger who joins another family - عَدِيدٌ

A stranger who has no family who joins another family and counts himself as one of its members.

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Branch - فَرْعٌ

A person's children and grandchildren, down to all levels.

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An inheritance case - مُعَادَّةٌ

An issue of inheritance where full siblings share with half siblings from the father's side along with the grandfather, so when he (the grandfather) takes his share, the siblings inherit as if there is no grandfather sharing with them.

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Division - قِسْمَةٌ

Identifying and sorting out shares using certain measurements.

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Femininity - أُنُوثَةٌ

A set of qualities that distinguish females from males.

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The ʿUmari Issue of inheritance - عُمَرِيَّةٌ

It is an inheritance issue traced back to `Umar ibn al-Khattaab, may Allah be pleased with him, concerning a husband or a wife, plus two parents.

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