English "‘Ammah" (paternal aunt) is any woman who shares one's father's origin, whether that origin refers to both parents, when being the father's full sister, or to one parent, when being the father's half sister from the father or the mother. "‘Ammah" also includes the grandfather's sister, whether a full or half sister, up to all levels.
أُخْتُ الأبِ، وقد تُطلَقُ على أخَواتِ الأجْدادِ.
English "‘Ammah": a father's sister. It could also refer to grandfathers' sisters.
العَمَّةُ: أُخْتُ الأبِ، وقد تُطلَقُ على أخَواتِ الأجْدادِ، والجَمْعُ: عَمّاتٌ.
شرح مختصر خليل للخرشي : (4/ 209) - شرح مشكل الوسيط : (3/ 586) - الشرح الممتع على زاد المستقنع : الشرح (12/ 109) - تفسير القرآن للسمعاني : (1/ 411) - معالم التنزيل في تفسير القرآن = تفسير البغوي : (2/ 188) - تفسير البيضاوي : (2/ 67) - التسهيل لعلوم التنزيل لابن جزي : (1/ 185) - كتاب العين : (1/ 94) - المخصص لابن سيده. : (1/ 332) - شمس العلوم ودواء كلام العرب من الكلوم : (7/ 4276) - المصباح المنير في غريب الشرح الكبير : (2/ 430) - المعجم الوسيط : (2/ 629) -
A project of encyclopedia of translated Islamic terms into world languages:
An integrated project providing an accurate, authentic and developed translations of the repeated terms in Islamic content along with definition. As a result, the target group can comprehend their meaning and translation..
Providing a free authenticate electronic reference of translated Islamic terms.
Providing translations with various electronic formats for portals and apps..
Continuing development of translations by using partners' and volunteers' efforts.
Encyclopedia Advantages:
Being free.
Variety of Translations.
Continuous development.
Stages of Development:
Writing the encyclopedia in Arabic.
Translating the encyclopedia into languages.
Publishing the encyclopedia online.
Continuous development of the encyclopedia and its translations.