Inheritance - إِرْثٌ

"Irth": property left by a deceased person. Original meaning: transfer of something from a group of people to another.

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Womb/Kinship - رَحِمٌ

"Rahim": womb, kinship, relationship.

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Lineage - نَسَبٌ

A relationship between two persons through a close or distant birth.

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Grandson - سِبْطٌ

One's grandson from his son or his daughter down to all levels.

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Paternity Claim - اسْتِلْحاقٌ

A man's claim that he is the father of a person whose lineage is unknown.

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Connection - إِدْلاءٌ

The connection with the deceased through blood relation.

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The son"s daughter - بِنْتُ الِابْنِ

"Any granddaughter who is related to the deceased person through his son, no matter how many generations are between her father and the deceased. This includes the daughter of the deceased"s son, and the daughter of the deceased"s grandson, and so on, no matter how many generations are between the grandson and the deceased.

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