Polytheism - شِرْكٌ

Setting up equals to Allah Almighty from among the created beings in matters that are exclusive to Him.

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Declaring someone a disbeliever - تَكْفِيرٌ

Judging a Muslim to be an apostate.

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Disbelief - كُفْرٌ

It is the opposite of Islam or a statement, act, belief, doubt, or neglect of an obligation which takes one out of the fold of Islam.

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Magic/Sorcery - سحر

Amulets, knots, and talismans that magicians use with the devils to cause harm to someone in his body, mind, will, or the like.

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Allies/Friends of Allah - أولياء

The pious believers who are constantly mindful of Allah Almighty in all of their affairs. Hence, they obey His commands and avoid His prohibitions out of fear of His punishment and wrath, and in pursuit of His pleasure and Paradise.

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Duress/Compulsion - إِكْراهٌ

"Ikrāh": forcing someone to do something he dislikes. It is derived from "kurh", which means dislike.

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Apostasy - رِدَّةٌ

"Riddah": return, conversion. Other meanings: reversion, rejection, denial, transition.

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Rejection/Denial - جُحُودٌ

"Juhūd": denial, rejection. Opposite: acknowledgment. Original meaning: scarcity of anything.

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Divination - عِرافَةٌ

"‘Irāfah": the profession of the fortune-teller, soothsayer, or astrologer who claim to know the unseen and the future.

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Soothsayer - كاهِنٌ

"Kāhin": a person who claims to know the unseen and hidden things. It is originally derived from "takahhun", which means: estimation, thinking, conjecture, lying.

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Idolater - وَثَنِيٌّ

"Wathani": idolater, idol worshiper, pagan. "Wathaniyyah": worship of idols and stones. it is derived from "wathan", which means: an idol or stone that is worshiped. "Wathan" is derived from "wathn", which means: steadiness. "Wathn" also means: power, plenty.

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Talisman - طلسم

"Tilsam" (or talsam): an undisclosed thing. "Mutalsam": undisclosed, obscure. "Talsamah": reading or writing something obscure. It is an Arabicized Greek term that refers to anything that is obscure and enigmatic, such as riddles and puzzles. it is said to be derived from "talsamah", which means: changing a thing and transforming it from one state to another.

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Minor hypocrisy - نفاق أصغر

Nonconformity between what one reveals and what he conceals when it comes to duties by revealing obedience and concealing disobedience.

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Undoing magical spells - نشرة

"Nushrah": an incantation whereby a mad or sick person is treated.

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Ignorance - جهل بالاعتقاد

"Jahl": ignorance. Opposite: knowledge. Other meanings: foolishness.

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Aversion caused by magic - صَرف

Magic aimed at separating the spouses and causing hatred and dislike between them.

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Libeling Islam - طَعْنٌ في الدِّينِ

Disparaging any part of the religion of Islam and criticizing its rulings.

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Invalidation/Rendering worthless - إِحْباطٌ

"Ihbāt": annulment, invalidation. It is derived from "habt", which means: an animal eating so much fodder that its belly swells and then dies.

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Divination - كهانة

"Kahānah": the claim to have knowledge of the hidden and concealed matters. It is derived from "takahhun", which means: fabrication, conjecture, speculation, lying.

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Deeming something lawful - اسْتِحْلَال

"Istihlāl": deeming something lawful. It is derived from "hill", which means permissibility. Opposite: unlawfulness, prevention. Other meanings: asking for something to be made permissible.

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Deviation - إِلْحادٌ

"Ilhād": deviating and turning away from something. It is derived from "lahd", which means: the niche dug on the side of the grave, not the middle. Other meanings: oppression, deviation from uprightness, religion, or the truth.

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Soothsayer - عراف

"‘Arrāf": hyperbolic form of the word "‘ārif"," which refers to soothsayers, fortune-tellers, and astrologers who claim to have knowledge of the unseen and the future.

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Minor disbelief - كُفْرٌ أَصْغَر


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Impediments of Takfīr - موانع التكفير


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Major creedal hypocrisy - نفاق أكبر اعتقادي


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Idols - أنصاب

"Ansāb" (sing. nasb, nusub): idols, anything worshiped apart from Allah Almighty. It is also said to refer to the stones erected around the Ka‘bah to which people used to devote worship and sacrificial animals.

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Seeking rain from stars - استسقاء بالأنواء

Seeking rain from or attributing rainfall to the stars deducing it from their setting and rising.

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Love amulet/charm - تولة

A type of magic that is made to endear the woman to her husband and the man to his wife.

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Taking as allies - تولي

Loving polytheism and the polytheists; supporting the disbelievers financially, physically, and with counsel; lending them support against Muslims, praising and defending them.

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Star - نجم

Refers to any celestial body.

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An Equal - نَظِيرٌ

Any creation of Allah that is claimed to be equivalent to Him in His rights of lordship, worship, and names and attributes.

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Love magic - عطف

A type of magic claimed to endear the husband to his wife and the wife to her husband.

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Taking omens from birds - عِيافَةٌ

Claiming knowledge of the unseen by observing movements of the birds, their sounds and the like.

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Denial - إِنْكارٌ

Denial of something by one's heart and tongue and rejection to believe in the truth or admit it.

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Requesting repentance - اسْتِتابَةٌ

Asking a person who was formerly Muslim and became an apostate (a disbeliever) to repent and return to Islam.

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Objection - اعتراض

The abstention of the heart and the limbs from showing contentment, submission, and compliance with the truth.

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A form of divination - طَرْقٌ

Foretelling the unseen by drawing a line on the ground, casting pebbles, etc.

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Abhorrence - اِشْمِئْزازٌ

Aversion and disdain to accept the truth, with this being physically manifest.

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