Dutifulness to one’s parents - بِرُّ الوالِدَيْنِ

Dutifulness and kindness to one’s parents through words and deeds during their life and after their death.

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Inheritance distribution - تَقْسِيمٌ


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Aggressors/Transgressors - بُغاةٌ

"Bughāh" (sing. bāghi): transgressor, oppressor. It is derived from "baghy", which means: exceeding the limits.

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The cause of Allah - سَبِيلُ اللهِ تعالى


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Rebellion against the ruler - بَغْيٌ

"Baghy": oppression, transgression. Original meaning: corruption.

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Fighting - قِتالٌ

"Qitāl": fighting, combating. It is derived from "qatl", which means killing.

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Commander - قائِدٌ

"Qā’id": someone who is at the front, ahead of others, and guides them in their march. Opposite: "sā’iq" (one who walks behind others and steers them). Other meanings: army commander.

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The Arabian Peninsula - جَزِيرَةُ الْعَرَبِ


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Plague - طاعُونٌ

"Tā‘ūn": plague, a widespread disease that harms people’s mental and physical health. It is also used to refer to death.

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Dividing into five - تَخْمِيسٌ

Taking out one fifth of the spoils of war.

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Captive - أَسِيرٌ

Anyone who has been captured by the enemy, whether in the battle or not.

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Peace time - سِلْمٌ

Leaving jihad against the disbelievers for a specific period of time.

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Growth of pubic hair - إِنْباتٌ

Emergence of coarse hair around the genitals.

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Supreme leadership/ Presidency - إِمارَةٌ

The supreme leadership position in a country.

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Belligerent disbelievers - أَهْلُ الحَرْبِ

The disbeliever enemies who neither have a covenant with Muslims nor are granted protection in Muslim lands.

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Military mobilization - اِسْتِنْفارٌ

Request of the leader of the Muslims or his deputy from one or more of his subjects to march out for the fight in the cause of Allah.

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Assigning shares - إِسْهامٌ

Giving a specific share of the spoils of war to a specific person.

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Weapon - سِلاحٌ

All the weapons of war and fight equipment.

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Hermitage - صَوْمَعَةٌ

A dwelling in which Christian hermits stay to isolate themselves from people and dedicate themselves to worship.

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Giving extra war booty - تَنْفِيلٌ

Giving the warrior more than his share from the war booty (for excellent performance).

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Rajab (lunar month) - رَجَبٌ

The seventh month of the lunar calendar.

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Invasion - غَزْوٌ

Seeking to fight the disbelievers, who are at war with Muslims, in their land with the permission of the Muslim ruler or his deputy.

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Treachery - غَدْرٌ

It is breaking the covenant and not fulfilling one"s responsibility towards it.

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Recanting/Breaching - نَكْثٌ

The breaching of covenants and contracts that have been concluded.

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Concubinage - تسري

Taking a female slave as a concubine by her master.

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Exhorting/Inciting - تَحْرِيضٌ

Exhorting Muslims to fight their enemy in the Cause of Allah, by encouraging them to seek the reward in the Hereafter or a share in the spoils of war.

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Breach of covenant - إِخْفارٌ

Breaching the covenant that was given to the disbelievers by transgressing against their lives, wealth, or honor.

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Armor - دِرْعٌ

What a warrior wears to protect his body from the enemy’s weapons.

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Seeking help - اسْتِنْجَادٌ

Requesting aid from someone else in times of dire need.

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Misappropriation - إغلال

Misappropriation of trust.

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Booty gained without fighting - فَـيْءٌ

Whatever the Muslims gain as booty from the disbelievers without fighting.

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Seeking Help - اسْتِعانَةٌ

Seeking support and help from another in fighting the enemy.

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By force - عَنْوَةٌ

The Muslims' overcoming of the disbelievers and their seizing of their lands.

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Violating others' rights or authority - افْتِيَاتٌ

Violating others' rights or special authority without their permission.

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War - حَرْبٌ

Fighting an external enemy by using weapons.

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Raid - إِغارَةٌ

Attacking the enemy by surprise in order to take their wealth and lives, and to assault them.

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Killing the wounded - إجْهازٌ

Hastening to end the life of the wounded.

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Laborer/Wage earner - أَجِيرٌ

A person who works for another in return for a wage.

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Burning/Incineration - إحْراقٌ

Use of flaming fire to bring about an effect on an item.

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Enslavement - اسْتِرْقاقٌ

Turning a free human being into an owned slave.

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Surrendering - اِسْتِئْسارٌ

Surrendering oneself to the enemy to be taken captive.

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Night attack - بَياتٌ

Launching a surprise night attack against the enemy.

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Qafeez (unit of measurement) - قَفِيزٌ

A name of an Islamic unit of measurement equivalent to 12 Sā‘s, and in modern units is equal to 33 liters or 26 kilograms.

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Concealment - كِتْمانٌ

Hiding something and avoiding to talk about it.

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Being carried alive from the battlefield - اِرْتِثاثٌ

The return of an injured combatant who sustained heavy wounds and barely alive.

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Equipping (a soldier) - إغزاء

Equipping a soldier with money, weapons, and the like, and dispatching him to fight the enemy.

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Releasing - اِفْتِكَاكٌ

Releasing something from the possession of someone else by fulfilling what is owed to that person.

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Freeing the captives - فِكاكُ الأَسْرَى

Freeing prisoners from the enemy captivity.

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Seeking alms - اسْتِعْطاءٌ

Asking the Imam (Muslim ruler) for alms, whether it consists of money or anything else.

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Truce/Ceasefire - هدنة

Agreement between the leader of a state or his representative and non-Muslims to cease fighting for a given period of time.

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