Disobedient person - فاسِقٌ

"Fāsiq": one who departs from obedience and uprightness. Original meaning: something exiting something else in order to corrupt it.

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Bedouins - أَعْرابٌ

"A‘rāb": Bedouins, desert dwellers from the Arabs or non-Arabs. It is derived from "ta‘arrub", which means: living in the desert with Bedouins.

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Prayer imām - إِمامٌ


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Sultan - السُلْطانٌ

"Sultān": Ruler, governor. It is derived from "salātah", which means: power, capability, overcoming. Other meanings: Caliph, imām, judge, evidence, proof.

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Connection/Link - اتِّصالُ الصُّفوف

"Ittisāl": the state of being connected and linked together. Original meaning: association, gathering. Opposite: disconnection, separation.

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Appointing a successor - اسْتِخْلافٌ

"Istikhlāf": appointing someone as a deputy or successor. It is derived from "khalaf", which means: replacement, substitution.

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Following the Imām - ائتمام

"I’timām": imitating and following something and acting like it.

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Supplication while standing in prayer - قُنُوتٌ

"Qunūt": obedience along with humility. It is derived from "qanata", which means: to obey. It is also said to mean: standing for long.

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Imitation/Following the example - اقتداء

"Iqtidā’": Following someone’s example, copying, imitating.

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Illiterate - أُمِّيٌّ

A person who is incapable of reciting Sūrat al-Fātihah properly, neither from memory nor from the mus'haf (physical copy of the Qur’an), even if they can recite other surahs properly.

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Memorizing - حِفْظٌ

The ability to store information in your brain and to recall it at any time.

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Regular imam - راتِبٌ

The imam appointed by the ruler or his representative to lead the congregational prayer.

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Testicles - أُنْثَيانِ

The two testicles.

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Breaking one's undertakings - إخلاف

Non-fulfillment of what a person has promised or undertaken to do.

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Violating others' rights or authority - افْتِيَاتٌ

Violating others' rights or special authority without their permission.

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Lisper - أَلْثَغُ

Someone who mispronounces a letter by altering its sound into another due to a defect in his tongue.

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Man - رَجُلٌ

A pubescent male from the children of Adam.

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Tongue-tie - عُقْلَةٌ

A malformation which restricts the movement of the tongue and causes a speech impediment.

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Drowsiness - نُعَاسٌ

The first stage of sleep, where the senses become weak and unaware of what is going on around them.

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Accent/Speech defect - لُكْنَةٌ

Inability to pronounce some Arabic letters correctly either by leaving out a letter, replacing it, or repeating it.

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Crookedness - اعْوِجَاجٌ

When something is crooked and not as straight as it should be.

Translated into: English Urdu Russian

Loud-voiced - صيِّت

Someone with a strong, loud voice.

Translated into: English

Deafness - الطَّرَشُ

Hardness and weakness of hearing that does not reach the level of deafness, which is complete loss of hearing.

Translated into: English Urdu Russian

Defaulter - لاحِقٌ

One who joins the congregational prayer from the beginning but then misses one or more "rak‘ah" (unit of prayer).

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