Witr prayer - صَلاةُ الوِتْرِ

A prayer performed between ‘Ishā’ prayer and the break of dawn to conclude the night prayer.

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Congregational prayer - صَلاةُ الجَماعَةِ

Performing prayer in congregation.

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Tranquility in prayer - الطُّمَأْنِينَةٌ في الصلاة

Calmness and settlement of all parts of the body for an interval of time in all pillars of prayer.

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Mosque - مَسْجِدٌ

A place allocated for establishing prayer on a permanent basis.

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Cleansing with stones - اسْتِجْمارٌ

"Istijmār": cleansing the private parts after answering the call of nature with "jimār", i.e. small stones.

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Repeating - تَرْجِيعٌ

"Tarjī‘": repeating, repetition of a recitation.

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Prayer imām - إِمامٌ


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Proclaiming the start of prayer - إِقامَةٌ


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Connection/Link - اتِّصالُ الصُّفوف

"Ittisāl": the state of being connected and linked together. Original meaning: association, gathering. Opposite: disconnection, separation.

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Image - صُورَةٌ

"Sūrah": appearance, shape. Other meanings: description, copy of an original.

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The Sacred Mosque - المسجد الحرام


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Imitation/Following the example - اقتداء

"Iqtidā’": Following someone’s example, copying, imitating.

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Ending an assembly - تَفَرُّقٌ

Ending an assembly and leaving each participant his own way.

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Stepping over necks - تَخَطِّي الرِّقابِ

Separating people who are sitting next to each other in order to pass between them.

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Imam's prayer niche - مِحْرابٌ

A niche in the wall of the masjid in the direction of the "qiblah" (prayer direction) where the imam stands to lead the prayer.

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Resting places of camels - أَعْطَانٌ

The places where camels habitually stay.

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Speech - كَلامٌ

Multiple words that express a comprehensible meaning.

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Disrespecting/Taking a profession - اِمْتِهانٌ

Degrading something, having contempt for it, and not preserving and honoring it.

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Illuminating - اسْتِصْباحٌ

Using a lamp for illumination.

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Replacement - تَبْدِيلٌ

Selling a "waqf" (Islamic endowment) whose income or yield has decreased or ceased and then buy what yields better income and make it an endowment.

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Transfer/Shifting - انْتِقالٌ

Moving in prayer from one pillar to another, or from one intention to another.

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Walking - مَشْيٌ

Moving on foot at a pace less than that of running.

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Low tone in prayer (n) - إِخفْاءٌ

Lowering one's voice in prayer, rather than using a high tone, while reciting the Qur’an for instance.

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Deafness - الطَّرَشُ

Hardness and weakness of hearing that does not reach the level of deafness, which is complete loss of hearing.

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