Dowry - مَهْرٌ

"Mahr": the dowry paid by a man to the woman he marries by virtue of a marriage contract. Original meaning: wage for something specific.

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Authority - وِلايَةُ

"Wilāyah": rulership, authority, being in charge of others. "waliyy", means: lord, owner, ruler. It is derived from "waly", which means: closeness, love. Other meanings: kingship, kinship, state, heredity.

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Giving in marriage - تزويج

"Tazwīj": marrying off. Original meaning: pairing two things together. Opposite: "ifrād" (isolating). Other meanings: gathering, joining.

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Contract - عَقْدٌ

"‘Aqd": fastening, tying. Opposite: loosening. Original meaning: connecting two ends together. Other meanings: adherence, documentation, covenant, confirmation.

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Minor - قاصِرٌ

"َQāsir": one incapable of doing something. It is derived from "qusūr", which originally means: not reaching the end. Other meanings: insane person, such as a child, a demented person, or a maniac.

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Acceptance - قَبُولٌ

"Qabūl": receiving something and taking it with contentment. It also means: acceptance.

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Turning away - إِعْرَاضٌ

"I‘rād": aversion, turning away, rejection. Opposite: proceeding toward something, obedience. It is derived from "‘ard", which means: appearance and prominence, or width. Other meanings: leaving out the work, going away, refusal, neglecting.

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Compensation - عِوَضٌ

"‘Iwad": compensation, recompense, replacing.

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Growth of pubic hair - إِنْباتٌ

Emergence of coarse hair around the genitals.

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Making an indirect or implicit statement - تَعْرِيضٌ

Every statement that could be considered a marriage proposal or the like of it.

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Noble lineage - حَسَبٌ

The established nobility of a person or his ancestors.

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Filiation - بُنُوَّةٌ

The kinship relation from the side of the son or daughter and their offspring.

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Overnight Stay - بَيْتُوتَةٌ

The man"s staying with his wife in a place for most of the night.

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Guardian - وَلِيٌّ

The person upon whom the validity of the marriage contract is contingent, such as father, his agent, or the like.

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Divorcee/Widow - أَيِّـمٌ

Previously married woman whose husband has died or divorced her.

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Smiling - تَبَسُّمٌ

A slight and silent laughter.

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Shutting/Closing - إغْلاقٌ

Firmly closing a door or so to prevent it from being opened.

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To lie down with a woman - اسْتِفْراشٌ

Having sexual intercourse with a woman, whether she is a wife or a slave woman.

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Combination/Union - اتِّحَادٌ

Agreement of two things or more and their sharing the same description, place, type, or etc.

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Face-to-face oral communication - مُشَافَهَةٌ

Oral communication between two or more people face to face.

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