Equivalence - كَفاءَةٌ

"Kafā’ah": equivalence, equality, comparison.

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Faithfulness/Loyalty - وَفاءٌ

"Wafā’": loyalty, fulfillment of covenant. Opposite: treachery. Original meaning: completeness, perfection.

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Captive - أَسِيرٌ

Anyone who has been captured by the enemy, whether in the battle or not.

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Peace time - سِلْمٌ

Leaving jihad against the disbelievers for a specific period of time.

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Belligerent disbelievers - أَهْلُ الحَرْبِ

The disbeliever enemies who neither have a covenant with Muslims nor are granted protection in Muslim lands.

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Hermitage - صَوْمَعَةٌ

A dwelling in which Christian hermits stay to isolate themselves from people and dedicate themselves to worship.

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Treachery - غَدْرٌ

It is breaking the covenant and not fulfilling one"s responsibility towards it.

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Recanting/Breaching - نَكْثٌ

The breaching of covenants and contracts that have been concluded.

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Land of war - دار الحرب

Any territory where laws of disbelief prevail and where the Muslims have no power or authority.

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Breach of covenant - إِخْفارٌ

Breaching the covenant that was given to the disbelievers by transgressing against their lives, wealth, or honor.

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War - حَرْبٌ

Fighting an external enemy by using weapons.

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Raid - إِغارَةٌ

Attacking the enemy by surprise in order to take their wealth and lives, and to assault them.

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Enslavement - اسْتِرْقاقٌ

Turning a free human being into an owned slave.

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Truce/Ceasefire - هدنة

Agreement between the leader of a state or his representative and non-Muslims to cease fighting for a given period of time.

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