Slaughter - ذَكَاةٌ

Spilling the blood of an animal in a certain manner.

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One of the people of the book - كِتابِيٌّ

"Kitābi": It is derived from "kitāb", which means: book, i.e. pages gathered between two covers. It originally comes from "katb", which means: joining something with something else. A "Kitābi" is someone from the people of the book, namely the Jews and Christians.

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Slaughtering - تذكية

"Tadhkiyah": slaughtering. It is derived from "dhakāh", which means: completion and ending. Thus, slaughtering is called "tadhkiyah" and "dhakāh" because it completes the process that makes eating an animal permissible.

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Slaughtering animal - ذَبْح

"Dhabh": slaughter, spilling of blood. Original meaning: splitting, cutting.

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Hunting - صَيْدٌ

Sniping a free wild animal with a hunting tool with the intention of catching it.

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Bullets - بُنْدُقٌ

Anything that could be used as a shot, whether it is made of stone, clay, iron, or the like.

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Remaining life - رَمَقٌ

What is left of one's life.

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Barren - عاقِرٌ

A woman who is physically unable to bear children, or an infertile man.

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Impurification - تَنْجِيسٌ

Throwing impurity into something pure.

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Necessity slaughter/injure - عَقْرٌ

Injuring any part of the body of an animal if it can not be captured.

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Inciting/Provoking - تَحْرِيشٌ

Sending a dog or so to hunt game (a wild animal or bird).

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Tumbling/ Falling down - تَرَدِّي

Falling from a high place

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Falcon - شاهِينٌ

A bird of prey from the falcon species, characterized by its long wings.

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Tool - آلَةٌ

A tool that is used to do work, such as a knife for slaughtering, a sword for fighting and exacting retribution, etc.

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Quadruped - بَهِيمَةٌ

Every quadruped, whether it lives on land or in water.

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Eating the forbidden to stay alive - سَدُّ الرَّمَقِ

Maintaining the soul and the strength that keeps one alive

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Dependency - تَبَعِيَّةٌ

The fetus being connected to the mother in the rulings of slaughtering because the fetus is part of the mother.

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Giraffe - زَرافَةٌ

A beautiful-looking animal that has a long neck and whose front legs are longer than its hind legs. It is a herbivore.

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Spinal Cord - نُخاعٌ

It is a nerve cord that is connected to the brain and runs down through the spine until the bottom of the backbone.

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Horn - قَرْنٌ

A bone that grows on the heads of some animals, such as cows, sheep, and the like.

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Epiglottis - غَلْصَمَةٌ

The protrusion at the top of the throat.

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Cutting - إِفْراءٌ

Cutting something with the intention of causing damage or not.

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