Mind/Intellect - عقل

The cognitive instinct by which Allah Almighty has distinguished man from other living beings. Loss of mind renders the person no longer accountable for religious duties.

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Killing - قَتْلٌ

"Qatl": killing, causing to die, taking the life of someone.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Inheritance distribution - تَقْسِيمٌ


Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Stoning the adulterer to death - رَجْمٌ


Translated into: English Indonesian

Facilitation - تَيْسِيرٌ

"Taysīr": facilitation, easing. It is derived from "yusr", which means: ease, docility. Opposite: hardship, difficulty.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Clan - عَشِيرَةٌ

"‘Ashīrah": one’s closest relatives. Other meanings: a group of one's relatives. It is derived from "mu‘āsharah", which means: mixing, merging, socializing.

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Unintentional killing/Manslaughter - القَتْلُ الخَطَأُ


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Defloration - افْتِضاضٌ

Removing virginity of a woman by sexual intercourse, felony, or the like.

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Head and face wounds - شِجاجٌ

The wounds in a person’s head or face.

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Phalanxes (bones) - سُلامَى

Bones of the fingers and toes.

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A one-year-old camel - ابْنُ مَخاضٍ

A young camel that has completed one year of age and has started its second year.

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Compensation - أَرْشٌ

A sum of money refunded to the buyer to compensate him for a flaw in the product.

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One-year-old she-camel - ابْنَةُ مَخاضٍ

A she-camel that has completed its first year of age but has not yet completed its second year.

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Fetus - جَنِينٌ

The child in its mother’s womb.

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Consequence - تَبِعَةٌ

The consequences of an action and the rights that it involves.

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Testicles - أُنْثَيانِ

The two testicles.

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Forearm - سَاعِدٌ

The body part between the elbow and the hand.

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Limp - عَرَجٌ

Leaning towards one side while walking because of a defect in the leg.

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Soul patch - عَنفَقَةٌ

The hair that grows between the lower lip and the chin.

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Gangrene (Flesh damaging disease) - أَكِلَةٌ

A disease that affects a limb of the body, damaging them gradually, until the person dies (Gangrene).

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Knuckles - بَراجِمٌ

The joints on the back side of the fingers.

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Paralysis - شَلَلٌ

Dysfunction of a bodily organ.

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Lip - شَفَةٌ

The visible fleshy part that surrounds the mouth.

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Edge of the eyelid - شَفْرُ العَيْنِ

The edge of the eyelid, on which eyelashes grow.

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Labium - شُفْرُ الفَرْجِ

The flesh that surrounds the woman's vagina from both sides.

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Separation - انْفِصالٌ

Exiting of the fetus from the mother's belly and disconnecting from it before completing its due time.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Dura mater - أُمُّ الدِّماغِ

It is the outermost fibrous membrane separating the skull from the brain.

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Head injury reaching the Periosteum - سِمْحاقٌ

A head injury that reaches the periosteum, which is the thin membrane that surrounds the skull, between the bone and the flesh.

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Tooth - سِنٌّ

The bone (tooth) growing inside the human mouth.

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Essential parts of the body - آراب

Essential parts of the body.

Translated into: English Bosnian Russian

Mute - أَبْكَم

The one who cannot utter meaningful words, whether congenitally or due to a reason.

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Aortal - أَبْهَر

Artery that originates from the heart; if it is cut, one dies.

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Sound/Voice - صَوْتٌ

Anything that is heard with the ear.

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Molar - ضِرْسٌ

Any tooth other than the incisors (front teeth) and canines.

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Rib - ضِلْعٌ

The curved bones that form the rib cage and side bones.

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Void/Of no account - جُبارٌ

What entails no liability on anyone in terms of retribution or blood money or value.

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Head - رَأْسٌ

The uppermost part of the body that contains the eyes, mouth, nose and ears.

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Swimming - عَوْمٌ

Swimming and moving through the water.

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Nasal bridge - قَصَبَةُ الأنفِ

A hard bone located in the upper part of the nose.

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Wrist/Forearm bones - زَنْدٌ

The area where the human forearm is connected to the hand.

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Beast - عَجْماءُ


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Nails - أظافر

A hard, bony material that covers the tips of the fingers and toes of humans and some animals.

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Collision - اِصْطِدَامٌ

A collision of two bodies, such as two horsemen, two boats, etc., impacting each other by their weight and power.

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Crookedness - اعْوِجَاجٌ

When something is crooked and not as straight as it should be.

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A stranger who joins another family - عَدِيدٌ

A stranger who has no family who joins another family and counts himself as one of its members.

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Man with a goatee - كَوْسَجٌ

A man whose beard only grows on his chin and not on his cheeks.

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Dim-sighted - عَمَشٌ

Weak eyesight along with excessive tearing.

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Blindness - عَمَى

Losing the eyesight in both eyes.

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