Independent reasoning - اجتهاد

A scholar making his best efforts to reach a secondary Shariah ruling based on the relevant proofs.

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Deductive reasoning - اِسْتِنْباطٌ

"Istinbāt": deduce. It is derived from "anbat", which means "extract" and originally comes from "nabat", which is the water that comes out of the well immediately after it is dug up.

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Diligent thinker Jurisprudent - مُجْتَهِدٌ

"Mujtahid": someone who exerts his utmost efforts to reach something. It is derived from "jahd", which means: hardship, tiredness. Other meanings: an earnest pursuer of a certain goal.

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Jurisprudence - فِقْهٌ

"Fiqh": realizing, knowing. "It is derived from "faqīh", which means: scholar, knowledgeable person. Original meaning: opening, splitting; hence, knowledge was called "fiqh" because the person who has knowledge cuts through meanings and opens up what is closed (ambiguous) thereof. Other meanings: understanding.

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Legally considered personal reasoning - اجْتِهَادٌ مُعْتَبَرٌ

Legally accepted personal reasoning whose general and special conditions are fulfilled.

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People competent for independent reasoning. - أَهْلُ الاجْتِهادِ

Scholars who fulfill the requirements of deducing legal rulings from their proofs.

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Applying general rule to individual case - تَحْقِيقُ المَناطِ

Confirming the presence of the cause, upon which there is an agreement based on a text, consensus or deduction, concerning a disputed case.

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Auxiliary sciences - عُلُومُ الآلَةِ

A number of sciences which are used as a means to understanding the Qur’an and the Sunnah.

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Speculative knowledge - عِلْمٌ نَظَرِي

Perception based on the mind's thinking, reflection, and inference.

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