Shariah objectives - مَقَاصِدُ الشَّرِيعَةِ

The objectives and rationales that the Lawgiver took into consideration, generally and specifically, while legislating to achieve people’s interests.

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Islamic law - الشريعة

The clear course in the religion that includes the beliefs, rulings, and ethics.

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Blocking the means to evil - سَدُّ الذَّرائِعِ


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Facilitation - تَيْسِيرٌ

"Taysīr": facilitation, easing. It is derived from "yusr", which means: ease, docility. Opposite: hardship, difficulty.

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The fundamentals of the religion - أصول الدين

"Usūl" (sing. asl): the bottom of something. Original meaning: foundation upon which something is built. Other meanings: the first, the pure, the origin.

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Steadfastness - ثَباتٌ

"Thabāt": stillness, stability. Original meaning: continuity, permanence. Opposite: end, coming to a halt. Other meanings: uprightness, adherence.

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Established/Constant matters - ثوابت

"Thawābit" (sing. thābit): what is constant and stable. It is derived from "thubūt", which means permanence. Other meanings: things that are enduring, well-established, and correct.

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Necessity - ضَرُورَةٌ

"Darūrah": urgent need, necessity. It is derived from "darar", which means: straits, restriction. Opposite: benefit, spaciousness. Other meanings: hardship, severity, poverty.

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Necessities - ضَرُورِيّاتٌ

Interests that are necessary for the establishment of the religion and life, such that if all or some of them are missing, life is ruined or disturbed.

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A means to an end - ذَرائِع

Anything that is used as a means and a way to achieving something else.

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