Major sins - كَبائِرٌ

Any sin that entails a prescribed punishment in this life or a threat of punishment in the Hereafter or leads to curse, wrath, or negation of faith.

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Reviving the Sunnah - إحْياءُ السُّنَّةِ


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Certitude - يقين

"Yaqīn": firmness, certitude, verification and knowledge that is free from doubt. Opposite: doubt, suspicion. Original meaning: stillness, prominence, permanence, steadiness.

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Humility/Modesty - تواضع

"Tawādu‘": humility, manifestation of submissiveness. Opposite: arrogance, haughtiness. It is derived from "wad‘", which means: putting down and lowering. Other meanings: humbleness, docility, gentleness

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Branches of faith - شعب الإيمان

All the intentions, deeds, and words that Allah the Exalted loves and is pleased with and that bring one closer to Him.

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Sincerity - إخلاص

"Ikhlās": purity, filtration, refinement, selection. The term was later used to refer to pure monotheism and avoidance of showing off in performing acts of worship.

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Destructive sins - موبقات

"Mūbiqāt" (sing. mūbiqah): sins that lead one to ruin and loss.

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Shyness/Modesty - حَياءٌ

"Hayā’": modesty, shyness. It is derived from "hayāh", which is: life. Opposite: insolence, audacity.

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Honoring sacred ordinances - تَعْظِيمُ الحُرُماتِ


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Good morals - حُسْنُ الخُلُقِ


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Supernatural act - كَرامَةٌ

"Karāmah": dignity, honor. It is derived from "karam", which means generosity, abundance. Opposite: stinginess. Other meanings: nobility, grace.

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Suppressing anger - كَظْمُ الغَيْظِ


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Pillars - أركان

The foundations upon which something is established and without which it cannot be achieved.

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Dissimulation - تَـقِيَّةٌ

"Taqiyyah": caution, seeking protection from evil and harm.

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Despair - قُنُوطٌ

"Qunūt": hopelessness, extreme despair. It is derived from "qant", which means prevention. Opposite: hope. Other meanings: giving up hope.

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Means/Seeking means - وسيلة

"Wasīlah": the means getting one closer to someone else. It is derived from "tawassul", which means desire, pursuit. Other meanings: cause, path to something.

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Cowardliness - جبن

Fear and weakness that keep a person dismayed and prevent him form going forward.

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Cauterization - كي

"It is burning the skin with a heated instrument for therapeutic purposes

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