Purity - طُهْرٌ

The interval during which the woman is free from menses and post-natal bleeding.

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Woman’s dress code - لِباسُ المَرْأَةِ


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Menstrual Period - قُرْءٌ

"Qur’" (pl. aqrā’): time; hence, it is used to refer to the duration of menses or menstrual purity. Other meanings: gathering together, as blood gathers inside the woman’s womb.

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Mourning - إحْدادٌ

"Ihdād": giving up or refraining from something, such as when a woman gives up her charms and adornments after her husband’s death. It is derived from "hadd", which means: barring and isolating two things.

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Ending/Termination - انْقِضاءٌ

Termination of the time designated for the waiting period of the divorced wife according to the Shariah.

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Making an indirect or implicit statement - تَعْرِيضٌ

Every statement that could be considered a marriage proposal or the like of it.

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Marital home - بَيْتُ الزَّوْجِيَّةِ

The place where the wife resides with her husband by virtue of a marriage contract.

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Perfume - عِطْرٌ

Everything that has a pleasant smell and can be used as perfume.

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Elderly women - قَواعِد

The old woman who no longer menstruates, or who has no desire for marriage.

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Missing/Lost - مَفْقُودٌ

A person who is missing while there is no news about him or his location, and it is unknown whether he is alive or dead.

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Irrevocably-divorced woman - مَبْتُوتَةٌ

The woman whose husband divorced her thrice and has become unlawful for him unless she marries another man.

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Ornamentation/Wearing jewelry - تحْلِيَةٌ

The jewelry a woman wears, which can be of gold, silver, or the like; or to put it on someone else.

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Doubtful/Uncertain woman - مُرْتابَةٌ

A woman who has stopped menstruating, but does not know why her menses has stopped.

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