"Shūra": seeking the opinion of someone; some matter subject to discussion and mutual consultation. It originally comes from "shawr", which means: bringing something out and revealing it.
"Ghadr": breaking a covenant. Opposite: loyalty. Original meaning: abandonment, departure. Other meanings: offense, deceit, betrayal, cessation.
"Wafā’": loyalty, fulfillment of covenant. Opposite: treachery. Original meaning: completeness, perfection.
A man's close companions (his inner circle), whom he confides in and consults regarding his private and general affairs.
Any territory where laws of disbelief prevail and where the Muslims have no power or authority.
A land of disbelief whose people made a truce with Muslims with or without a compensation, depending on the public interest of the Muslims.
Obligating non-Muslims to pay one-tenth of their trade money if they move it from one Muslim country to another.