Testimony - شَهادَةٌ

"Shahādah": telling information obtained by means of witnessing or seeing some incident.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian

Sighting the crescent - رُؤْيَةُ الهِلالِ


Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Indonesian Russian

The last night of the month - سِرارٌ

The last night of the (lunar) month.

Translated into: English French Spanish Indonesian Bosnian Russian

Moonless night - سُرَرٌ

The day or two during which the moon is invisible at the end of the month.

Translated into: English French Spanish Urdu Bosnian Russian

Fog - ضَبابٌ

Quick-spreading condensed vapor that covers the surface of the earth and obscures vision.

Translated into: English Urdu Indonesian