Whim/Desire - هَوَى

Personal inclination to what one enjoys or sees.

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Perjury/False testimony - شَهادَة الزُّورِ

Intentionally giving a false testimony with the aim of deception.

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Following personal desires - اتباع الهوى

Acting upon something other than the truth, whether in terms of speech, deeds, or beliefs.

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Self-conceit/Vainglory - عُجْب

"‘Ujb": joy and happiness along with pride in oneself. It is derived from "i‘jāb", which means: admiring, applauding.

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Beguilement/Misguidance - غواية

"Ghiwāyah": straying, following desires and being engrossed in falsehood. Opposite: guidance.

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Gazing freely - إطْلَاقُ البَصَر

Gazing intentionally at what Allah has prohibited.

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Gloating/Malicious satisfaction - شَماتَةٌ

Gloating over the harm or damage that befalls others.

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Gradual luring to destruction - استدراج

To gradually lead a person on through what he covets to bring him to unexpected destruction.

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Proceeding at night - إِدْلاجٌ

Leaving Muzdalifah and heading for Minā after midnight during Hajj.

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Flood - طوفان

Any event that is encompassing, frequent, intense, successive, and overwhelming, such as floods, plagues, and widespread death.

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Stupidity - حُمْقٌ

Lack of reason that drives one to do what would harm him despite knowing of its bad consequences.

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Abhorrence - اِشْمِئْزازٌ

Aversion and disdain to accept the truth, with this being physically manifest.

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