مَدِينَةٌ فِي مَنْطِقَةِ مَارِي فِي دَوْلَةِ تُرْكْمَانِسْتانَ في آسْيَا الوُسْطَى.
English A city in the Mary region of Turkmenistan.
Bosanski Merv je grad u pokrajini Mari, u Turkmenistanu.
1- من المدن المشهورة على امتداد التاريخ الإسلامي، ومركز من مراكز العلم والجهاد والأدب العربي.
2- تعتبر المدينة رابع أكبر المدن في تركمانستان.
3- فتحها المسلمون في عهد عمر بن الخطاب بقيادة الأحنف بن قيس رضي الله عنهما سنة 22هـ.
English 1. One of the famous cities in Islamic history as a center for Jihad (fighting in the cause of Allah) and Arabic literature.
2. The fourth largest city in Turkmenistan.
3. Muslims conquered it in 22 AH, during the reign of ‘Umar ibn al-Khattaab under the leadership of Al-Ahnaf ibn Qays, may Allah be pleased with both of them, .
Bosanski 1. Merv je jedan od poznatih gradova islamske historije, te jedan od centara džihada i arapske književnosti.
2. Smatra se četvrtim najvećim gradom u Turkmenistanu.
3. Muslimani su ga osvojili u vrijeme Omera b. Hattaba, pod komandom Ahnefa b. Kajsa, radijallahu anhu, 22. godine po Hidžri.
تقع في إقليم خراسان جنوب بلاد فارس.
English It lies in the Khurasan region south of Persia.
Bosanski Merv se nalazi u horosanskoj regiji, na jugu Perzije.
تقع في مركز منطقة ماري في شرق العاصمة عشق آباد بجمهورية تركمانستان.
English It is located in the Mary region east of the Turkmenistani capital Ashgabat.
Bosanski Nalazi se u centru pokrajine Mari, na istoku Ašgabata, glavnog grada Turkmenistana.
A project of encyclopedia of translated Islamic terms into world languages:
An integrated project providing an accurate, authentic and developed translations of the repeated terms in Islamic content along with definition. As a result, the target group can comprehend their meaning and translation..
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