English A house in Taa’if that has an idol inside, which the Thaqeef tribe worships.
Bosanski Lat je bio naziv za kuću u Taifu u kojoj se nalazio kip Lat kojeg su obožavali pripadnici plemena Sekif.
1- أحد الأصنام التي عبدتها العربُ قبل الإسلام.
2- كانوا يسمونه بيت الربة، وكان له كسوة وحَجَبَة، وله وادٍ يدعونه حَرَم الربة، لا يُقطع شجره ولا يصاد حيوانه، ومن دخله فهو آمن.
3- أحرقه المغيرة بن شعبة رضي الله عنه وهدمه بعد فتح مكة.
English 1. One of the idols that the Arabs used to worship before Islam.
2. They called it the House of the Goddess and covered it and assigned guardians to it. There was a valley belonging to this house, that they called the Sanctuary of the Goddess. Its trees could not be cut, its animals could not be hunted, and anyone who entered it was safe.
3. Al-Mugheerah ibn Shu'bah, may Allah be pleased with him, burned it down after the Conquest of Makkah.
Bosanski 1. Lat je bio jedan od kipova koje su obožavali Arapi prije islama.
2. Ovu kuću nazivali su i Bejtu Rabba, imala je ogrtač i prekrivač. Na tom mjestu nalazi se dolina koju su zvali Harem Rabbe i u kojoj nisu sjekli drva i lovili životinje, a onaj ko bi ušao u nju, bio bi siguran.
3. Kip Lat uništio je Mugira b. Šu’ba, radijallahu anhu, nakon oslobođenja Mekke.
يقع في الطائف غرب جزيرة العرب.
English It lies in Taa’if, in the west of the Arabian Peninsula.
Bosanski Lat se nalazio u Taifu, na zapadu Arabijskog poluotoka.
يقع غرب مسجد ابن عباس رضي الله عنهما وسط الطائف بالمملكة العربية السعودية، ولا وجود له حالياً.
English It was located west of the Ibn 'Abbaas Mosque, may Allah be pleased with both of them, in the center of Taa‘if in Saudi Arabia, but it no longer exists.
Bosanski Nalazio se na zapadu džamije Ibn Abbas, radijallahu anhuma, u centru Taifa, u Saudijskoj Arabiji. Danas ne postoji.
يحده مسجد ابن عباس شرقاً بوسط الطائف.
معجم ما استعجم من أسماء البلاد والمواضع 5/ 4
معجم البلدان 5/ 4
مراصد الاطلاع على أسماء الأمكنة والبقاع 3/ 1193
المعالم الأثيرة في السنة والسيرة ص235
معالم مكة التاريخية والأثرية ص187
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