English 1. It is a famous mountain pass, also known as Al-Qudaydiyyah.
2. Muslim ibn ‘Uqbah, the commander of Yazeed ibn Mu‘aawiyah's army, was buried there.
3. Near this place to the south is the tent of Umm Ma‘bad, where the Messenger of Allah, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him, passed by during his Hijrah to Madinah.
4. It used to comprise an idol called Manaah, which was worshiped by the tribes of Khuzaa‘ah, Al-Aws, and Al-Khazraj.
Bosanski 1. Mušellel je i poznati obronak koji se naziva i Kudejdija.
2. U tom mjestu ukopan je Muslim b. Ukba, vođa vojske Jezida b. Muavije.
3. U blizini tog mjesta, na južnoj strani, nalazi se mjesto na kojem je bio šator Ummu Ma’bed, pored koje je Poslanik, sallallahu alejhi ve sellem, prošao tokom hidžre ka Medini.
4. U Mušellelu je bio kip Menat, kojeg su obožavala plemena Huzaa, Evs i Hazredž.
يقع شمال قديد بين مكة والمدينة بجزيرة العرب.
English It is located north of Qudayd, between Makkah and Madinah, in the Arabian Peninsula.
Bosanski Mušellel se nalazi sjeverno od Kadida, između Mekke i Medine, na Arabijskom poluotoku.
يقع في محافظة خليص شمال غرب المملكة العربية السعودية.
English It is located in the Khulays Governorate, west of Saudi Arabia.
Bosanski Nalazi se u pokrajini Halis, sjeveroistočno, na zapadu Saudijske Arabije.
يحده جنوباً قديد، وشرقاً محافظة الكامل، وغرباً البحر الأحمر.
معجم ما استعجم من أسماء البلاد والمواضع 4/ 1233
مراصد الاطلاع على أسماء الأمكنة والبقاع 3/ 1277
معجم المعالم الجغرافية في السيرة النبوية ص298
المعالم الأثيرة في السنة والسيرة ص275
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