English 1. A famous place in Madinah where the local market was situated.
2. Near it was the training field for horseback riding and archery during the era of the Prophet, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him.
3. The second Adhaan for Friday prayer, added by ‘Uthmaan ibn ‘Affaan, may Allah be pleased with him, was proclaimed there.
Bosanski 1. Zevra je poznato mjesto u Medini, na kojem se nalazio medinski trg.
2. U vrijeme Poslanika, sallallahu alejhi ve sellem, u blizini tog mjesta bio je prostor za vježbanje jahanja konja i streljaštva.
3. Na tom mjestu učen je drugi džumanski ezan, koji je dodao Osman b. Affan, radijallahu anhu.
تقع عند سوق المدينة المنورة غرب المسجد النبوي بجزيرة العرب.
English It was located at the Madinah market, west of the Prophet's Mosque in the Arabian Peninsula.
Bosanski Zevra se nalazila kod medinskog trga, zapadno od Poslanikove, sallallahu alejhi ve sellem, džamije, na Arabijskom poluotoku.
تقع جنوب حي المُناخة بالمدينة المنورة قرب طريق السلام غرب المملكة العربية السعودية.
English It is located south of Al-Munaakhah District in Madinah, close to As-Salaam Road, in western Saudi Arabia.
Bosanski Danas se nalazi južno od medinskog kvarta Munaha, u blizini puta Selam, na zapadu Saudijske Arabije.
يحدها شرقاً المسجد النبوي، وغرباً طريق الملك فيصل، وشمالاً طريق سلطانة ونفق المناخة.
فتح الباري لابن حجر 1/ 128، 2/ 394
معجم البلدان 3/ 155
مراصد الاطلاع 3/ 674
المعالم الأثيرة في السنة والسيرة ص135
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