English 1. The name 'Hunayn' is mentioned in the Qur’an in Surat At-Tawbah.
2. Its modern-day residents belong to Al-Ashraaf and Hudhayl.
3. The fanous Battle of Hunayn took place there in 8 AH, following the Conquest of Makkah.
4. In this battle, the Companions learned that they should rely on Allah, the Almighty, alone and not be deceived by their large number and strength while fighting the enemies.
Bosanski 1. Hunejn se spominje u kur’anskoj suri Et-Tevba.
2. Njegovi današnji stanovnici su iz Ešrafa i Huzejla.
3. Na tom mjestu desila se poznata Bitka na Hunejnu, osme godine po Hidžri, nakon oslobođenja Mekke.
4. Na tom mjestu ashabi su naučili suštinu pouzdanja u Allaha, kao i to da ih u borbi protiv neprijatelja ne smije da obmane sopstvena snaga i veliki broj boraca.
يقع شَمالَ شرق مكة فِي الطَّريقِ إلى الطائف بجزيرة العرب.
English It lies northeast of Makkah on the way to Taif in the Arabian Peninsula.
Bosanski Nalazi se na sjeveroistoku Mekke, na putu prema Taifu, na Arabijskom poluotoku.
يقع بقرية الشرائع العليا التابعة لإمارة مكة المكرمة بالمملكة السعودية.
English It is located in Ash-Sharaa’i‘ al-‘Ulya village, Makkah Province, Saudi Arabia.
Bosanski Nalazi se u selu Šeraiu Ul’ja, koje pripada regiji Mekke.
A project of encyclopedia of translated Islamic terms into world languages:
An integrated project providing an accurate, authentic and developed translations of the repeated terms in Islamic content along with definition. As a result, the target group can comprehend their meaning and translation..
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