English 1. It is known for its many historical sites and values and tourist areas.
2. The name 'Badr' is mentioned in the noble Qur’an.
3. The first battle between Muslims and polytheists took place there in 17 Ramadan, 2 AH. It is also known as the Day of the Criterion, the Great Battle of Badr, and the Badr of Fighting. Muslims achieved major victory in this battle.
Bosanski 1. Poznat je po svojim brojnim spomenicima i povijesnim znamenjima.
2.Spominje se u časnom Kur’anu.
3. Na Bedru se odigrala prva bitka u islamu, između muslimana i mušrika. Tom bitkom se razdvojila istina od zablude, te je nazvana Jevmul-furkan, a naziva se i Velika bedranska bitka i Bedrul-kital (Bedr borbe). Dogodila se sedamnaestog ramazana druge godine po Hidžri i muslimani su tada izvojevali veliku pobjedu.
تقع غرب المدينة المنورة في شبه جزيرة العرب.
English It lies to the west of Madinah, north of the Arabian Peninsula.
Bosanski Bedr se nalazi zapadno od Medine, na Arabijskom poluotoku.
تقع في محافظة بدر في الجنوب الغربي من المدينة المنورة، وتبعُد عنها تقريبا 150 كم بالمملكة السعودية.
English It is located in Badr Governorate, about 150 km southwest of Madinah in Saudi Arabia.
Bosanski Nalazi se u pokrajini Bedr, jugozapadno od Medine, od koje je približno udaljen 150 kilometara.
يحُدُّها العِيص شمالاً، وقرية النصايف جنوباً، وقرية خَلِص شرقاً، وساحل البحر الأحمر غرباً.
معجم ما استعجم من أسماء البلاد والمواضع 1/ 231
الأماكن للحازمي ص111
معجم البلدان 1/ 357
مراصد الاطلاع على أسماء الأمكنة والبقاع 1/ 170
A project of encyclopedia of translated Islamic terms into world languages:
An integrated project providing an accurate, authentic and developed translations of the repeated terms in Islamic content along with definition. As a result, the target group can comprehend their meaning and translation..
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